(no subject)

Dec 22, 2010 09:37

1.  I got my in character card from rayruz  yesterday.  And it was pretty much awesome and totally made my day.

Although, I admit I had forgotten, and for a few seconds was so confused as to why a card addressed to me on the outside was addressed to 'Sam' on the inside.

2.  Mark, of Mark Reads Harry Potter fame, is now watching Doctor Who for the first time and reviewing it episode by episode.  It's like watching it for the first time again myself.  He just finished Firefly/Serenity and he's also going to be reviewing Fringe and doing liveblogs when the show comes back in Jan.  This all can be found at markwatches.net.

3.  I just put the first 10 seasons of ER on my netflix que.  We'll see about the rest of them when I get there.  I used to love this show so much in the early days.  I hope that's still the case with a rewatch.

4.  Dawn Ostroff is apparently leaving the CW after this season.  I never quite forgave her for canceling Veronica Mars, to be honest.  On the other hand, she seems to be championing Nikita despite it not performing well in their usual target demos.  So hopefully she pushes through renewel before she leaves.  Or whoever replaces her likes to give shows time to grow.  One of those two. 

nikita, er, veronica mars, rl, doctor who

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