Oh Monday

Dec 20, 2010 18:23

1.  Oh F!S.  You never fail to bring the controversy.  There was a lovely Dean isn't sexist secret today.  I'm not sure what's worse, the 'Dean totally isn't sexist in any way shape or form and how dare you imply that' arguments, the 'it's realistic and makes him a better character' arguments, or the standard 'lol shut up you stupid feminists' arguments.

2.  Had stitches out today.  Ow.  Also, ew.  Also, it's gross looking now that it's not covered.  Eh.  It'll heal.  Although, now it really hurts every time I sneeze.  Also, that thing on the roof of my mouth (which was not my uvula...I thought it seemed kind of to far front to be that but it did resemble it so I let myself be convinced) is a giant ass canker sore, so I get to do lots of salt water rinses I guess.  Joy?

3.  I really need to find the energy to clean up my kitchen soon so I can bake. 

thyroid, rl, dean winchester, fandom, supernatural

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