TGIVDN: Thank God It's Vampire Diaries Night

Dec 02, 2010 14:10

1.  Final group crit this morning in painting.  My work?  Got raves.  Fuck.  Yeah.

2.  Speaking of, new crush on TA, not helped by him praising my art.  I also noticed he tends to make funny faces when he reacts to things.  Not, like, in a mean way.  It's just how his face is.  And it's adorable.  *le sigh*

3.  I have to tour some design agencies for a graphic design assignment.  I have to ask them questions.  My brain will not come up with any because it's decided Christmas break should be early for us.  Any ideas?

4.  You know, the thing that frustrates me about Stargate Universe, is that nothing happens.  We're a season and a half in, and we've had maybe half a season's worth of mythology.  And the week to week episode plots just aren't strong enough most of the time to carry that lack of momentum.

Take Chloe's story for instance.  I was really happy to see her get a story outside of being a love interest for Scott or a friend for Eli (not that I have a problem with either of those, I just want more) and I was curious to see where they were going with it.  But how long has it been dragging now?  We get, if we're lucky, one slightly significant revelation about her change every other episode, and there's usually only a few minutes spent on it at most?  Hopefully that will change now after that cliffhanger, but still....the pacing on this show is killing it.  That's not even touching my issues with certain recent storylines regarding certain women being stuffed into certain refrigerators.

5.  Yay, my shows are back tonight.  I'm excited about TVD, as it's supposed to be an important ep.  Although I do have reservations about a certain exchange in the previews.  But I'll wait for context and action taken in episode before I crucify.

art, stargate universe, rl, vampire diaries

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