I love Thursdays

Nov 11, 2010 22:03

Thursday night line up of awesome!

First, though, I must recommend DamnYouAutocorrect.com.  I laughed until I cried.  Repeatedly.

OK, now to TV.

Vampire Diaries

-Aw, I feel kind of bad for Katherine.  Well, her former human form, at least.
-I love that Elena is basically totally calm when Rose comes out.  No freaking out for her.
-Heh, OK, really, Rose/Damon anyone?  Just me?
-Bonnie/Jeremy are slowly winning me over, maybe
-There's always new eye candy on this show
-Does Elena have a body in that bag or something?  Jesus that's big...
-Katherine is looking roooooooouuuuuuuuuugh.  Hasn't it just been, like, a day or two? 
-I love Elena when she's all plany and initiative taking
-"I had a baby out of wedlock.  Shame"  Her delivery made me laugh way too hard.
-So if Katerina was the first (or at least another) doppleganger, then there's someone else who looks like them, right?
-I love Stefan when he's in exasperated parent mode
-I love it when Damon gets thrown around by women.  He's not the biggest bad wolf in town.
-She rigged that noose awfully fast.  She couldn't just stab herself again?
-Aw, Caroline is like Lexi.  And is shocked Stefan has a friend.  Hee!
-New family seems a little creepy
-Way to just invite yourself
-"She's with Damon, isn't she"  "EW"  Hee!
-So Tyler's on the chopping block
-And she didn't turn Caroline just to be mean!  It's all part of the plan!!!!!!!
-And she needs Bonnie?
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaand more black witches.  Seriously, show, I love you, but come the fuck on.  It's great you have minority characters, and it's great they're powerful, but seriously?
-OK, I feel a little bad for vamp Katherine too.  That's what I love about this show.  She's still a terrible person, but I can feel for her.
-Katherine is the safest psychotic bitch in town.  Nice.  I love her.
-Damon and Rose, they're going to make out, right?
-Called it.
-Poor Jeremy
-And there, right there, is why I love this show.  Because her relationship with Stefan is not the driving force behind the plot.  It's Elena herself
-Aw, Slater was sweet.  Kind of sad they killed him.  By the way, I typed that before they actually killed him.  I just know how this show rolls
-Ooooooooooooooooooooh, did not see Dad being in on the Evol.  Guess I was right about the creepy vibes


-I lover her when she's sarcastic.  So, you know, all the time.
-Aw, Michael's her friend.  A friend she shoots on occasion, but a friend.
-I thought the whole point of Division was so the wouldn't have to deal with red tape?  Isn't that why it's called black ops?
-Oh great, so Michael had a family, who I presume we will see fridged tonight
-And the opening theme 'song' was slightly different again tonight.  Is it going to change a little every week?  I suppose that's one benefit of having a 10 second theme song.
-Hee, he knows how to disarm her, thorougly
-Fucking creepy as hell doctor.  Kick his ass Alex
-They're so hot when they spy together
-Michael's face when she was describing her 'female' friend with the smokey voice....priceless
-How will Alex talk her way out of this one?
-OK, I'm officially on the Michael/Nikita ship
-Ooooh, is Jaden finally going to have a reason to exist on this show?  
-He's so proud of his girl
-Lucky for Nikita that guy didn't decide to call for help during the 30 seconds they were fighting
-Way to fuck everything up, Percy
-Aw, and now Nikita is going to have to rescue her boy toy
-Yep, fridged.  *sigh*
-$10 says Shane West wasn't hardcore enough to get waterboarded for real like Katee
-Nice one, Alex
-Nikita is so upset about losing him.  Aw
-Oh, you so should have seen that coming Nikita
-Amanda: "If these two are on the same page it has to be true" Please tell me she's playing along and doesn't really believe that?
-"You think you don't have anything to live for?  You do, you have me."  Swoon
-OK, that's going to drive a wedge between them
-Oh Michael, you're just not a very smart otter are you

I'm disappointed the went with the dead family back story, but since that's Nikita's whole motivation for the entire show, at least they equal opportunity fridge.  Not happy, but not mad enough to hate the show.

Surprised how fast I went from being indifferent to totally loving Michael/Nikita.

Burn Notice

-Heh, I forgot the badguy from the last ep was the racist from Walking Dead
-The recreation of the pilot scene with Fionna kicking him awake...hee!
-Is leaving them alone, on a balcony, really a good idea Fionna?
-Michael moving in with mom, that should go well
-Oh Uriel, you're so slimy (yes, I know, wrong show, whatever, he's Uriel to me)
-Trustfund psycho...cool band name?
-"While we're bribing our way in, you're my husband" "Fine, our marriage is on the rocks."  Heh, I like those two working together, though not together together.
-Sam's indignation over the guard throwing his flowers down.  Tee hee
-Gee, too bad you didn't have the bomb expert with you
-Poor Fionna.  How much of her fabulous wardrobe just got blown up?  We know she hadn't moved in her own explosives yet.  Don't know about her guns.
-The sunglasses are back!

burn notice, nikita, vampire diaries

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