(no subject)

Jul 30, 2010 08:57

1.  Am I a horrible person for considering putting Vala in her carrier tonight?  Not, like, all the time, just for tonight, so I can actually sleep in tomorrow.  Last night was awful.  Usually when she jumps up, she might try to get under the cover down by my feet, but if I tuck it under my feet she gives up.  Last night she was very determined.  Any little nook or cranny she tried to burrow into.  Now, you might be asking, what's so bad about the cat getting under the covers?  Isn't it cute and cuddly?  Well, if she just wanted to sleep, sure.  But she doesn't.  She wants to stab me with her claws.  So I basically spent the whole night either getting scratched or constantly guarding every inch of my bedspread against invasion.  I just need one night to catch up on sleep and then I'd be good for another couple of weeks of partial sleep deprivation.

2.  For your entertainment, here are some out of context quotes from the birthday party I attended last night:

"Think of us like genital warts.  We're just on you."

"Boogs is gone!'
"Just go to Charlotte Russo instead."
"But they don't have pasties!"

"Can you make cheese from breast milk?"

"And the little old lady at the train station was, like, WTF?  Only French, so, like, que le fuck?"

"I'm never home because my mom refuses to buy me 2% milk."

"What did we do during reading time?"
"I made fun of your jacket and you tried to lay on my boobs."

3.  Speaking of that party, my friend Mallory, who's birthday it was, makes and sells jewelry on etsy.com.  Which made me think that making stuff and decorating it with my line work might be a fun way to make sure I stay working creatively after college and maybe make a little bit of money off of it (though I doubt it'd be a huge money maker).  So now I'm planning all these things I want to try making, and making lists of everything I need to consider before I start making things (such as what sealants are going to last longer and not discolor over time, etc.).  I'm all excited now.

4.  OMG NIKITA!  First, Maggie told this story in an interview yesterday:

"I knocked a guy out while shooting the pilot," Maggie, who is a seasoned martial-arts expert, explains. "He didn't duck, you know? In 13 years, I've never hurt anyone. He was 6'4." He literally dropped to the ground…I just stood there going, 'What just happened? What just happened?!' I felt so bad, he wasn't a stunt man, he was an actor, which is the worst because he needs his face and...his part got cut. See, I am evil!"

I love her so much.   And second, one review of the pilot I saw gave away the twist at the end that everyone kept talking about.  Highlight to read:  ---Alex isn't just some random new recruit, she's working for Nikita.  So it's not a show about one woman working to take down a corrupt organization, it's a show about two women plotting together to take down a corrupt organization.---  *draws little hearts all over*

cats, nikita, vala, rl

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