Last shipper picspam (for now...)

Jun 23, 2010 22:27

More picspamy goodness!

1. Top 5 “Just Because It’s Hot” Ships
2. Top 5 Almost Ships
3. Top 5 Ships (That Aren’t My Two Untouchable OTPs)

This one's pretty self explanatory.  I have my two huge epic OTP ships, but that doesn't mean I don't have other ships that I also love.  These are, for lack of a better metaphor, my second stringers.  I read/write fic, make icons, and/or write meta for them.  I'm always up discussion, whether it's debate or flaily squeeing.

Dean/Jo (Supernatural)

Oh, what could have been.  I always loved the potential of these two. They were well matched. Dean may want the ‘apple pie life’ he never got before, but personality wise he’s not someone who’s ever going to be able to walk away from the life of a hunter, and any potential partner needs to understand that.  Jo got it.  She got the life.  She lived the life.  She could understand him (and he her) in a way that none of his other love interests could.  And she didn’t take his shit.  She calls him on his crap.  It’s too bad the writers never quite seemed to know what to do with Jo or how to realize her true potential (both as a love interest and as an awesome character in her own right).

Veronica/Logan (Veronica Mars)

I’ve said before that I loved fucked up, messy, real couples.  That’s part of what made me love LoVe.  I mean, obviously they had great chemistry and hilarious banter, which is always a huge plus for me as well.  But beyond that, I thought they were well matched in that they were both very damaged people.  But, like Kara Thrace, it wasn’t really damage that was ever going to be ‘fixed’.  Neither needed someone sweet who was going to coddle them and try to help them ‘get over it’.  Who they were was who they were always going to be.  And what was really interesting about them was that they both complimented and repelled each other.  They were the epitome of “can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em”.  They were always going to circle each other, unable to be without each other for long, yet never able to settle down either.

John/Aeryn (Farscape)

There are two main things I love about John/Aeryn.  One, the insane chemistry/hilarious banter (a common theme with my ships).  Two, the writer’s ability to keep them apart for large stretches of time and keep the tension going, without making it feel like they were dragging anything out to the point where I stopped caring.  All of their obstacles unfolded organically.  Whenever I got frustrated at one of them, it was at them, the characters, for doing or saying something stupid, not at the writers for insulting my intelligence.  That was so refreshing.

Daniel/Vala (Stargate: SG1)

Chemistry?  Check.  Hilarious banter?  Check.  Daniel and Vala had an interesting journey.  They were very antagonistic at first, or at least Daniel was.  And you can’t really blame him.  She did highjack the spaceship he was on and take him hostage.  And then made out with him.  Which was hot, but possibly slightly off putting for Daniel.  They were adorably snarky in season 9, and I can’t help but love how concerned and protective he is after she’s attacked by the Ori followers.  But it’s in season 10 that shit really gets real.  Vala goes through a tremendous growth (without losing her edge, always a plus) and Daniel is so proud of her, and it’s adorable.  And then that scene in the finale, when she offers herself to him and he rips into her, not realizing how emotionally bare she is right then.  Oh man.  And then his face when he realizes…I can’t.  And then the kiss.  Just.  Guh.

Michael/Fiona (Burn Notice)

Girls and boys who play with guns? What more could you ask for? I love that Fiona takes charge and isn’t afraid to say exactly what she wants from him.  She’s not willing to settle, either.  She was going to walk away because he couldn’t see what was right in front of him.  Michael may be a little slow on the uptake/light on the emotional availability, but when he realizes what he wants? You’d better watch yourself. “Fiona is not my past.” *bang bang*.  Indeed, Michael. Indeed.

PS- something got screwed up with the sizing.  I don't know why, and I don't have the PSD files saved to try and fix it.  You still get the idea.

burn notice, picspam, stargate sg1, veronica mars, farscape, supernatural

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