(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 09:26

holy dreamnightmarescaryness

my dad and someone ...maybe spencer i don't remember
were holding mom and i and a baby of some sort up in our house
but turns out they were heroin dealers or something
so when the drug lord came over my dad thru mom and i in the basement to save us
but there were dead bodies everywhere
and the baby started screaming
so he took us out in threw us in this ditch in the backyard and thru buckets of blood on us as a disguise
so i ran away in my toyota avalanche ( who am i bryce?! )
and came home
and brenna and i charged thru the dive park in a dinghy wayyyy too fast
the this squid thing that i've dreamed about before came back
and with is came like overly huge fish and stuff
and kim and i were the only ones who remembered it from last time
so we hopped in my cart to try to out run in and get to devon's cuz that was safe?

wow no more diet coke before bed for me!
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