(no subject)

Feb 26, 2007 22:52

i can't seem to stop feeling the love love love
and its amazing
one high to the next
and this weekend might turn out to be bearable and then its spring break
and danie habig
and sunshine
and then two more weeks and HOME AGAIN

this weekend was chaos....i had 8 hours in in 72 hours.....that's not healthy
but screw health
lifes to short to care
i filled my days
i felt the love
and i tried to give as much as i could back

here are a few more paige realizations:

A: things are goign to be SO different next year
i was thining about my sailing class that sails to catalina and immediately assumed "oh hey on the weekend i can rent the hotel with my classmates and then me and dev and all the boys....oh wait...they won't be there"

its not bad
i'm just interested to see how things change
i have a feeling it won't change the obsession i have with the island
but it will change the pull there every weekend
suddnely i won't be missing out on things there
we all will
we all will be living on our own
well sorta
cuz we're never really going to let distance matter at all
i mean amy will be here
brenna and i will ahve cars and thus see eachother more
i'm planning on having a fund to visit my fools up north
theres still thanksgiving
and winter break
and you know...MAY

its just hard to think about
its the end of an era
and AMAAZING era....with more love and memories than anything i've every expierenced
its like graduating all over again
i think i'll end up crying more on theirs than ours cuz they're end shows an end to so so so much more than just high school
its the end of our reign
its the end of our consistant normalcy
its the begining of a new era in our lives
we about to take OVER california

thats right
watch the fuck out cali....norcal and socalers alike need to watchout
we'll make ourselves a legend in the state

B : the reason i can't seem to say no to a particular breed of herpes is simple.
i'm so used to being one of hte guys
i'm a sucker for some horrible sweet talking
hand holding
cheek/neck kissing
the cuddle factor

i want all that
its the wrong person
the wrong time
but man i love it

i can see the look of digusedness on dev and jenna and everyone's faces even as i write this
but hey
the last time i was treated like a girl was GREG
yeah...um that's sophomore year
and kinda kameron
but thats a whole differnet story to tackle
or will....
but that's such a weird situation
its like my boyfriend intimacy minus the physical aspect

so i've a weakness for being treated like a piece of meat
how pathetic is that
man i need to find a boy and get over this
not that one tho
even tho i secretly want to
ewwwwww paige you are such a little skeeze sometimes
i really feel gross saying / writing this
but its true

well que mas
actually i need to go do my sweet ass sweet spanish hw...BLAHHHH

90s grunge party saturday

i'm just so grateful for the people i love
all the time
all of them
even the ones here
although there are less of them
i'm so so so in love with my friends
like it hurts my heart to think i won't see anyone again till like april

good for me

but fuckin scary

cuz they keep me sane
they remind me i'm worthwhile the way i am
that i matter without the make up and trendiness
and the party stories and everything

how would i ever ever survive without these fools
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