Title: Unconventional Convenience
Characters: Gin, Kisuke
Locale: Kisuke's Office
Timeframe: Late afternoon
What: Extra-curicular therapy with someone decidedly less dull than Tousen.
Rating/Warning: None yet.
Gin had found that things were always dullest in
therapy. Sessions with Tousen had been fun at first, even educational. But the man was simple to figure out, and nigh two-dimensional. He felt like a puzzle too easily solved, and everyone knew how puzzles went - once you've pieced them together, they're nothing but pretty pictures. And while Gin appreciated pretty things as much as the next sociopath, he found little satisfaction in the silence and stoicism that was Tousen. The man simply didn't seem to have the proper tact or strategy for a case like Gin.
So he didn't entirely resent the idea of tea with Kisuke Urahara, another resident therapist. He was familiar with the man, whether it be through articles or word-of-mouth. From what Gin could tell, Urahara was as unconventional and off-kilter as any patient in the building. That alone was enough to strike Gin's interest in the hatted man, career option aside.
It also helped that his office was considerably more welcoming than Tousen's. Rather than blank walls there were pictures lining the room, with knickknacks and various half-thought inventions lying about. Even the chairs seemed more comfortable, and the proffered tea was decidedly less tasteless.
"So," ventured Gin, dropping another spoonful of sugar into his cup, "mind if I ask why ya called me here?"