Title: Head in the Clouds
Characters: Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime
Locale: The grounds.
Timeframe: Mid-morning.
What: Orihime, Ichigo, Tatsuki + cloud-watching. And cookies. What could possibly go wrong?
... don't answer that.
Rating/Warning: G for now. Possibly PG-13 later on for swearing
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"No, if you have a place in mind that's fine. I didn't think of anything...neither did he," she nodded at him flatly and smiled at Orihime in turn. There was something permeable about her friend's kindness and open heart that brought out a softer side in Tatsuki, for the most part, which mostly meant she tried to curb her usual impulses--particularly the violent or irritable ones. She never really wanted Orihime to see that side of her if she could help it, unless it was a matter of course of protecting her, which was entirely different in Tatsuki's mind.
"Lead the way," she grinned and took Orihime's arm, linking it playfully with hers. They were good enough friends for this closeness, and there was something natural about the tenderness conveyed here.
Glancing back at Ichigo, she made a face as if to say: I'm glad you came...and don't do something stupid, all rolled into one expression. Her eyes were not hard with focus however and in this there was a degree less of her usual taunting and just a piece of advice, if only because she would, without reserve, prove she knew Ichigo well enough to provide a word or two of usefulness. Socially awkward couldn't begin to suffice for Tatsuki's description of him, but it would do temporarily and truth be known, Tatsuki had a hunch if Ichigo was any different, she might not care...er...or something, so much about his well-being.
Something similar could be said of her care toward Orihime but this was a lot of thought compressed into a one minute block of contemplation and Tatsuki opted in the end to just stop thinking, if she could, for the rest of their outing.
It didn't get her very far anyway.
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