Title: To the Music Room We Go
Characters: Momo, Tatsuki, Renji, Ichigo
Locale: The Music Room
Timeframe: Afternoon (ish?)
What: Momo makes it to the music room... only to discover Ichigo is still mean and yes... Renji can sing
Rating/Warning: ... none that I can think of?
She had heard good thing about the music room )
Ichigo damn sure couldn’t. She almost laughed at the very idea.
Hinamori, she wouldn’t be surprised, but it was something she felt would only make the girl anxious to be asked about, not that, in all honesty, Tatsuki was too interested. It would have been small talk at the very best, a buffer zone maybe for the desired-fierce-if-stupid words that could transpire between dumbass and Renji-who had recently graduated from ‘dumbfuck’ to his actual name.
There might be no hope for Ichigo in these cases.
“Obviously not if it’s bothering you,” she said, having entered in time to hear his pointless query. She crossed the room, waving amiably to Renji and Hinamori, a fair ‘how are you today?’ and basic ‘hello’ rolled into one. She tilted her head at the spirit. “Go on anyway,” and it wasn’t necessary to say that this was Tatsuki’s way of vouching for his sanity…well, that or vouching for her own insanity, but she rather preferred not to think of it in that way.
Her eyes darted briefly over to Renji and Hinamori once, perhaps a bit more curious than she would like to admit, and then returned attentions to wimpy wrists, as she sometimes, not-so-affectionately, but not-really-offensively called him.
To her credit, it wasn't like she called him that behind his back, especially when directly to his face was much more amusing anyway.
"What are you doing in here?" she asked and what she really meant was: you can't play music for shit, so...?
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