[Log In-Progress] Uryuu, Orihime

Apr 30, 2007 22:02

Title:  Cute Things
Characters: Uryuu, Orihime
Locale: Dining Hall
Timeframe: Lunchtime!
What:  Ishida is having no life.  Ishida makes more origami and it catches the eyes of Orihime...
Rating/Warning:  PG maybe.  Other wise, no warning.  Yet.

Uryuu Ishida was ( too sexy for his shirt. )

ishida, orihime

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blossomingbosom May 5 2007, 01:18:36 UTC
Considering herself to be a very friendly person, when Orihime saw the boy sitting, alone, in the corner, talking to nobody but just making origami, she immediately headed his way ( ... )


sewnotgay May 5 2007, 01:47:36 UTC
His concentration was disturbed by the girl's arrival. He wasn't annoyed though. It wasn't like he was doing anything important, since it was just making paper animals and it wasn't like he anything else better to do either. He could socialize with the other mentally-challenged, but he had little experience in that area. He could interact with a girl to prove to his therapist he was straight, but despite being so intelligent, he had no clue how to start, since he had little experience in that field ( ... )


blossomingbosom May 6 2007, 18:27:25 UTC
"Oh!" said Orihime when he introduced himself. "Mr. Ishida! Of course." Her grin, if it was possible, broadened. "You're welcome." Then she paused, cocked her head slightly, drew in a breath, hesitated. "Um... why are you sitting all on your own?" Worry tinged her tone.

Orihime knew that it could be difficult to get settled in at the Institute. There were so many people, some of them loud and noisy and odd, frightening, even, and it was easy to just find yourself alone, in some corner, making origami. Orihime couldn't just let that happen. "Do you not have any friends?" she asked, frowning concernedly. "How long have you been here, actually? Are you lonely? I could show you around, maybe, if you're still very new here, because it can all be quite confusing, just like, well, moving anywhere!"


sewnotgay May 6 2007, 19:02:15 UTC
Usually in these cases, Ishida probably would have consider the girl too nosy for her own good. But that would be only because he would be cranky and he often was. He wasn't so much now. He had to admit a part of him was grateful for her concern for a mere stranger. She actually was genuine.

"I have a friend," Ishida replied with a slight nod. He had a friend. He guessed Kon was his friend now after all that happened.

"I've only been here less than a month. I guess you can say that I'm new," he state briefly, not explaining anything further about that topic. Giving an ever so slight smile (if you can call it that), he nodded, "It's quite all right, Miss Inoue. You don't need to go to that trouble. I should be fine by myself."


blossomingbosom May 10 2007, 16:21:24 UTC
"Oh, that's good! That's wonderful, that you have a friend," said Orihime. "I don't know what any of us would do without friends." She paused, drawing in a breath but then not saying anything, brow furrowing. She could remember a time -- a brief period of time -- when she hadn't had any friends. It wasn't something she often cared to recall, but the memory was stirring in the back of her mind.

With a shake of her head, she dismissed it, and once again returned her attention to Uryuu.

"Oh, but it's not trouble!" she said. "I couldn't just let you try to get settled in by yourself." Her voice dropped slightly in volume. "It really can be a little scary when you're first here," she said; her eyes had the intent, concerned edge of the confidant. But then her face relaxed and she said, "But if you don't want me to show you around now, that's all right! Maybe later." She paused. "Um, do you mind if I sit down?"


sewnotgay May 11 2007, 01:02:15 UTC
He noticed when she paused. She looked a little sad. He was a little curious, but did not ask.

"Thank you, Miss Inoue," he said gratefully, looking at her, "I don't mind if you sit here. You can if you want." He wasn't exactly sure how to word it. He had little experience when it came to interacting with people he barely knew, especially when it came to those of the opposite sex.

There was a brief moment of silence. So what should he say next? How are you? What's the meaning of life? What do you like to do? What's your favorite farm animal?

"How long have you been here, Miss Inoue?" he asked and then quickly added, "If you don't mind me asking."


blossomingbosom May 11 2007, 05:01:37 UTC
"Thank you!" said Orihime, pulling out a chair and settling herself into it, smoothing her skirt neatly. At his question, she laughed. "Oh, um -- years now. I'm not quite sure, really!" After a pause, she added, "And of course I don't mind you asking."

Her lips twitched to one side, not quite a smile, but not a grimace, either -- a difficult expression to define. One of concentration, perhaps -- it was an unconscious habit she had when she was thinking. "So what did you do before you came here?" she asked, pulling herself out of her thoughts and looking up from her study of the table. "I mean -- if you don't mind me asking, that is!"


sewnotgay May 12 2007, 00:47:56 UTC
Miss Inoue had been here for years? She must have been fairly young when she was instituted here. She didn't look that much older than himself.

Ishida let out short, light chuckle and even smiled at her question. "I don't mind," he assured her as he shook his head and pushed his spectacles up his nose, "I was living by myself, though I was working as an assistant tailor that was nearby." There was no need to go on about the 'incident'. This was sufficient enough.


blossomingbosom May 12 2007, 20:21:12 UTC
At Uryuu's assurance that he didn't mind her asking, Orihime nodded and smiled, glad that she hadn't offended him somehow. "Ooh, a tailor?" she said. "That's wonderful! I can't really sew very well myself..." She trailed off and laughed a little, nervously, eyes flickering over to the side. She had battled often with needle and thread, but had always ended up stabbing herself. And sewing her sleeve to whatever she was embroidering ( ... )


sewnotgay May 12 2007, 22:06:28 UTC
"Maybe I can help you out sometime. With sewing." If she wanted him to. And if he ever got any access to his tools.

Orihime had looked sad again and maybe even...nostalgic. He wondered if it was because of him, if it was something he said that brought back some sad memories.

"There's no one to miss," he said with indifference. As he thought of it, he didn't have any friends to miss. Even outside of this prison, he kept to himself. Sure, he had a few friends during his childhood, but after his grandfather's death, he started to distance himself from them. He couldn't even remember their faces anymore.


blossomingbosom May 15 2007, 02:55:08 UTC
"Oh!" said Orihime. "That's so nice of you! Yes, uh--" She hesitated. She really didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Uryuu, but on the other hand she couldn't exactly decline his offer -- that would be so impolite! "That would be wonderful. Thank you!" She beamed.

"Oh..." she said, once more. That sounded so sad and lonely! She felt deeply sorry for Uryuu then, and looked at him discreetly with a sympathetic, concerned expression. "But you say you're settling in nicely here? You're making friends and all, I hope?"


sewnotgay May 20 2007, 15:59:22 UTC
"There's no need to be sad or concern," Ishida assured her as he turned his head and played with another sheet of paper. "But I guess youcan say I am. The company is...nice." And he was being truthful about it. Kon could be a bit too much some times, but he was all right.

In Ishida's hands was a small pink fairy and placed it besides the other creatures. He slowly stood up and glanced at the clock, "I have to go now. I have a meeting with my therapist in about ten minutes." He was dreading it.

"If you want, you can have these. I really don't need them," He told her, giving a small motion to the paper creatures.


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