Title: Kick The Sand
Characters: Urahara, open to Urahara's patients, anyone who wants to show up. He's cool with this.
Locale: Kisuke Urahara's office, institute
Timeframe: ?
What: Urahara has interesting ideas about what is appropriate and helpful.
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for Urahara
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"...he was blocking the door," she muttered deadpan, stepping casually over his downtrodden person.
The office was shit, being that most things Hiyori perceived that were not under her express approval fell under the jurisdiction of shitdom. Urahara was quite possibly the Archduke of Shit, heralded upon a throne of shit, adorned in the finest shit robes, and regaling the shittiest shit to all in his dominion. It appeared now that a princess had entered his chambers to discuss all manner of fascinating things, none of which Hiyori felt the slightest compulsion to inquire about.
"I wanted to have talk...with you..." the girl nodded stolidly towards Kisuke, then in a sharp glance to the girl "...your guest doesn't have to leave either I guess. I really, really want some...therapy..."
There was an air of distance between her and these words, and her posture suggested nothing short of aggression. What was the mind of a young girl to a mansion full of the insane, after all?
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