Title: Kick The Sand
Characters: Urahara, open to Urahara's patients, anyone who wants to show up. He's cool with this.
Locale: Kisuke Urahara's office, institute
Timeframe: ?
What: Urahara has interesting ideas about what is appropriate and helpful.
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for Urahara
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"I'm sure the others won't mind the idea! After all, who would take being cooped in here over being outside? Not that this is an ugly office or anything!" Orihime amended, hastily, realizing what she could just have implied. "It's just... well, I prefer being outside." She laughed nervously.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking. I just finished showering... eheh, I always leave things to the last minute." She bowed her head sheepishly. "I got very caught up in my sketching after lunch, though."
Then she raised her head again and blinked at him. "So what have you been reading lately?" she inquired. "Have you found an interesting new book yet?"
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