Title: Kick The Sand
Characters: Urahara, open to Urahara's patients, anyone who wants to show up. He's cool with this.
Locale: Kisuke Urahara's office, institute
Timeframe: ?
What: Urahara has interesting ideas about what is appropriate and helpful.
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for Urahara
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Arriving at the office, Orihime knocked, rapping thrice on the door, then pulled it open and entered. "Good afternoon, Mr. Urahara!" Her voice was bright, as per usual, the smile which on her face dancing in her tone. "How are you today?" As she spoke, she headed over to one of the chairs and seated herself, smoothing out her skirt.
Orihime enjoyed group therapy. She was probably in the minority there but she wasn't aware of it, and while she didn't really like the talking so much because some of the questions were odd or difficult to answer and answering them in front of people was a bit scary, she loved the listening. The Shun Shun Rikka rarely came along to therapy, and today was no exception to that rule. They had said, however, that they would go out to the pond, and Lily had promised to watch the fishes and tell her how they were all doing, and the turtles and the ducks, which made Orihime smile thinking about it.
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