Even if it's a bit early... my parents gave me a new laptop as a gift for Christmas!
I love it! It's so small and cute! I called it "Luciano", in honor of my grandfather!
Now I'm writing from my uni! I made a stupid little drawing about my recent present!
Yeah, my scanner is awful... ^^; Maybe with colors the drawing could be less evanescent!
And now for something completely different!
My opinions about
KHR, chapter 316
Does anybody else think that this chapter was a bit... hurried? I don't know, only two chapter for Gokudera's fight... and what about Enma already in the scene!? How unexpected!
I lolled at Uri being a dynamite itself and becoming small after the explosion! Sure Amano has lots of ideas!
KHR, chapter 317
Finally Tsuna has become cool! The turn of event has definitely caught my attention! Why did Iemitsu kill Enma's parents?
Can't wait until next week~