Aug 30, 2005 09:19
I start my externship next Tuesday. at the VNA ("Visiting Nurses association of Santa Cruz"), located on Soquel (So-kel) Drive. which is very close to where I live (I can walk from there, it's a long walk, but it beats taking the bus.), and the best part? Helluva flexible. I went in the other day, 20 minutes later, I was done.
in my spare time, I'm doing this FFTA Class-guide-thingie. It's very time consuming, but surprisingly fun. I'm already half through the Blue Mage's section.
the Bus drivers over here are going to start striking on Thursday. which sucks, 'cuz then I can't get to school. though if I work hard enough, then maybe I won't have to go. 5-day weekend!
took the first 50mg Zoloft yesterday as well. haven't noticed much of a difference between the two doses so far.
s'all for now.