Urgh, today was just a day to stay in bed... really.
Actually I needed to get up early, because we had a "meeting" over at
elbi_maku's place for our school-project... but first my circulation hindered me... woah, even while lying it felt like everything kept spinning around me @_@'
1 hour later I knew why... migraine... yahooo~!
Perfect thing to wake up to in the morning.
So instead of getting up at 8.30 I could first really start my day around 12 >__<'
Such a waste of time ;_;'
Anyway, we finished our work around 4 pm.
Tomorrow we'll all meet up again to move on to the next level @_@'
(we should make a photo-story of "Nora", so we picked out the text passages today, take the photos tomorrow and then finish it maybe... by next week ^^')
I got the lead-role XD'
Anyway, when I was back I finally watched the next episode of Heading To The Ground.
Aah~ if it was up to me it'd be aired daily! XDDD>
Preferably in Germany too, but naaa... won't happen ^^'
Though I think the ratings would be higher here.
I don't understand the kinda low ratings anyway... they should be much higher!!
A few days ago I watched one of my favorite Disney-movies again: Oliver & Co.
Ever since then I can't get the music out of my head XD
Wherever I go, Dodger sings
Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
I may not have a dime,
but I got street savoir-faire.
Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
It's just be-bopulation
and I got street savior-faire.
(Why should I worry? by Billy Joel)
Nya~ I'm tired and I didn't eat anything yet (oh, it' already 6.35 pm O_o'') so I'll rest a little and cook then~
Because somehow I got the feeling that Keita may be talkative today... ^^'
See you later~
-See you.
<- *being at it again* ^^'
//Sorry for the random quotations, I just LOVE Maxim's parts <3
PS: Did anyone watch arirang's "Fransceska" back in 1996??
I'm laughing so much right now. XD
I'll just have to make my friends watch it with me *lol*