(no subject)

Aug 13, 2008 16:30

Okay, so a lot of stuff has been happening lately. I mean, things have gotten crazy, I think. Fluffy is still staying with me...I'm spending loads of cash on the two of us that belongs to my parents. Neither one of us has jobs, and we're staying in the RV. The rest of the family is in the house, and my "dearest grandfather" is still giving me the silent treatment. Mom wants to get another house because Cindy and Robin are coming up in two weeks to stay for about a month, maybe more. I miss and love them tons, but our home is so...unhomely and humiliating. It kind of makes me feel uber bad. I feel bad that we live in a shit hole, as big as the place is, and that we can't have anything because Gary and I are always going out. I spend more than a hundred bucks a week, I swear, just on gas. Then there's the EZ-Pass fees from going to Brigantine and Absecon, Galloway, et cetera through the use of the AC Expressway. Baahhh! Fluffy and I are job-less, and he always has me buying him cigarettes and shit. Mom and Dad, I'm so fucking sorry. Seriously. I can't say no to anything, I'm such a pushover, it's terrible. I love Fluffy, as one of my best friends, even if he DOES have a habit of mooching off me. He's still my friend. And I've always said that I hope that he always will be. Forever and ever - FLUEX is for an eternity. Though, part of my mind says 'Isn't that enough? An eternity doesn't last forever.'

Anastasia and I, along with my brother, planned a party for her birthday. Which, mind you, is today. We were going to get a hotel room at the Econo Lodge here in Buena / East Vineland, drink, and party it up like whoa. BUT! last night, she got a hotel room in Absecon, on the White Horse Pike, just outside of Galloway. My car broke down not once, but twice, the cigarette lighter doesn't work and blew the bloody GPS, and they couldn't come get us, two minutes down the street, at the damn ShopRite. We watched some weird drug deal in the parking lot. All they wanted, it seemed, was money for the alcohol they were all so desperate to get. They couldn't come fucking get us, to show us how to get to the hotel, until we said it was nearly ten and we needed to buy our alcohol. Damn, that had them coming to as ASAP! DRAMA! I was so pissed. Two cars of people showed, a red one and a black one, and they had all these people with them that we had never met. We followed, but they were already high, from smoking pot, and had been drinking. Wouldn't wait up, even though my car couldn't move over forty-five miles an hour. I really couldn't believe it.

Then, I was so relieved, we made it to the hotel. I mean, jeez! We got there and everybody but the people from my car ran into the hotel room. I lifted the hood of the Hyundai, and it was so hot I burnt myself. (Yet again!) An old, arabic lady, squat and a bit pudgy came down the sidewalk and was giving me dirty looks. She stopped and stared at me for fifteen minutes as I fiddled with my car and then told me she'd called the cops. You should've seen my face - I stared back at her for a second, blinked, and opened my mouth to talk. She cut me off and said "this is a room for four people, all of you need to get out." No warning, no asking the excess people to leave, just walked up, didn't even know my car was with the other two, and called the cops. I was minutes from losing my license and ruining the personal record of mine that was, and still is, already in shambles. (Thank you, Norman, for that...and Joe and Ray and Lauren...Steven! I trusted you all too much back then.)

Um, I got Jeanette, my brother, and Amanda B. back into the car in a bad rush. The others all ran out of the hotel room, grabbed the alcohol, and stuck it in this black guy's car. Leon, I believe. We took off, the red car with 'stasia and Brenda in it, getting us to follow them to Wawa. Which, mind you, was incredibly stupid. Why would you stop two minutes away when the cops would come looking for you? I was shaking so bad and I ran into the Wawa's bathroom and threw up. I was that sick. And, get this, I DIDN'T EVEN DRINK. Hahaha. Not that I get sick when I do, I drink hard liquor, but I was that freakin' stressed. I was muttering to myself like a lunatic, apparently. I didn't wanna lose my chance, maybe, to drive until I turned twenty-one or give anybody in the future a reason to say I can't teach at a school because of a busted party when I was seventeen.

My car shut off again and didn't want to start. I finally got it started, and the black car, with Leon, and his little black friends, in it. He jumped out and started screaming at Jeanette about how we left. Not at anybody in the red car, just mine. My brother said I'd've ruined my chance at becoming a teacher, possibly, and lost my license. He was all "FUCK SCHOOL" and I was over smoking a damn cigarette from Amanda, which they forced on me, because I was so freaked out. Jeanette and Gary were all "WELL, Alexx DOES care. She wants to go to school and graduate, unlike you, and stay the hell out of jail." Damn right. Thank you, guys. Ugh. But I broke my promise to Masino. I lit a cigarette. I was so upset about it after I realized it...that I CRIED FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF when we got to our next destination.

They said "red and black snakes, let's go. No silver snakes." In other words, red and black cars, go together, my people were out and we couldn't go. Anastasia had changed our plans, we paid for the alcohol, the hotel, everything. And they sped off - losers. We 'nig-rigged' my car, and got on the Parkway, North by accident. Ended up in Northern New Gretna before I, thankfully, found an exit, not having use of my GPS, and got onto the AC Expressway. We went to Brigantine, and I was never so happy to see the island in my entire life. We walked around, after parking in Kirkwood Circle. I'd already had a very long day - hadn't slept for two days as it was. Went to a meeting with the Board of Education...got permission to park with the teachers at the school in September with my OLD parking permit. While others ride the bus. I'm so happy - I'd slam somebody's head through the glass window if I had to ride the bus.

I met up with FM Radio for a minute or two at the Wawa. I still felt bad about the cigarette I had so absentmindedly smoked. I was on AIM on my phone, and IM'ed him. Haha. I gave him a brief...overview of what had happened. I hope I didn't piss him off or anything, though, he seemed alright. I liked his haircut, though, long hair should be his thing. Dude, he's awesome. Didn't I say he's the best teacher ever? lol. We talked, like I mentioned, for a minute or two, about school, which starts, says he, in three weeks. I told him I had Chris with me and he made a face. Awe, Chris is a good kid. He should know that! ;P

He makes my day. Er, night. Whatever. Everybody says I'm so much happier when he's around. Quite frankly, I believe it. He's a great person, not just as a teacher, but as a human being. Even if I annoy the LIFE out of him, and it hurts when I realize that I do. I can't help it. I'm a addicted, and he's my fix? Hahaha. I like seeing and talking to him. I never felt like anybody can make me laugh or smile like he does.

So, yeah. We were out on the beach and stuff after curfew. Pssh. I'm surprised we didn't get in any trouble. We only had a bottle of Captain Morgan's spiced rum and some Red Bull and Jager. Those assholes took off with my case of beer. My German beer! We didn't end up drinking it, until today, though. I drove us home and we slept from five in the morning 'til ten, and then we hung out at Paige's in the Lakes. Baaahh. I finished off the rum, because nobody else wanted some. Half a bottle for Alexx! Though, I'm not even buzzed. It runs in the family? D:

Jeanette's cleaning my car and getting me another bottle for my eighteenth birthday<3 That's in like, six months. I'll be legal! Woo. At least Dave H. isn't hitting on me still. JD's dad scared the life out of that man, and though he was out of line, I feel so bad! lol. Fifty-three years old. Age means nothing to me, but that man's not my type, MARRIED, and a total pig. A pig I met in a BIKER BAR. The Root Cellar. Wendy (Chris' mom), was pissed. But I already told you that story...

Oh well, I've got a medium-sized Gatorade bottle of Jager and Red Bull to drink still. And then I'm done. I'm only seventeen, and I'm drinking more than the 'rents do. I'm not going to be an alcoholic, of course, but I definitely like my drinks. Irish and German blood isn't enough to describe it. Hah. 'sides, I've only had time to drink one other time this summer, and that...well, I did some stupid things I'm not too proud of.

I wonder when FM's birthday is? I wanna get him a present, but I'm not sure what. Heck, I don't even know if he'll take it from his most frequent pest. A satin tie and combat boots?! I'd love to see him punked out. Haha. Maybe he won't stop talking to me? lmao! He tolerates me so much more than any other person ever has. I've never felt like someone drains the misery out of me until I started really talking to him. I really appreciate it, him talking to me even if he doesn't want to sometimes. ♥ ♥ ♥

- Al
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