Nikklexx Sleepover II.

Mar 20, 2008 11:49

It's been eight months since I slept over Nik's house for the first time. It was on her sixteenth birthday - August '07. Back then, it'd been her cousin Holly, herself, and myself. We had fun, talked most of the night while Holly slept, and went to the beach in Longport with Doug and Nikki's family the next day. It was crazy fun and I actually enjoyed myself. I was open, got an hour of sleep, and ran around like a lunatic. Of course, Shake was supposed to sleep over then, but she couldn't because she said something rude to her dad. Jeez! <3

Well, I slept over last night and just got home twenty minutes ago. It was only the two of us this time! Haha, we were both pleased, not to mention amazed, that we managed to convince our parents at the last minute to let us have a sleepover. Because, you see, I was only supposed to drive up to EHT for a short visit and leave for home again at 8:30. Why? I dunno. Maybe it was because I'd gone out to eat pizza at Five Points with John and Ashley just after school already? Heh.

We slept in her bedroom, in her bed, instead of in the living room on an air mattress this time. We had monster java milkshakes she dyed neon green with yellow and green food coloring, smooths and reds, gealtin-free poptarts, raspberry green tea, vanilla ice cream, and cheddar-flavored combos and chocolate chip cookies. The two of us watched, yet again, Date Movie - funny. She fell asleep around midnight and I followed around two-thirty or three. Both of us were up again by seven. Did I mention that the milkshakes sounded gross to her mom? lol.

I've still got her pink chesire cat, fuzzy, pajama bottoms on and a black tee. I fully intend to check all my online accounts at various websites and...go to bed. I'm texting Fluffy and we're supposed to hang out since he's in Buena. Amazing how things are sliding back to normal and so highly in my favor, no? AND, I'm supposed to hang out with Lauren. I was supposed to today, but that didn't turn out well. She wants dinner and a movie. O:

School's out until Monday. ACIT has such short spring breaks. Ugh! I know in the future, I'll be going to college and working, and I'll realize how "lucky" I had it and frown while I read this, but right now, it's how I feel. Blech. School's become such a drag and waste of time for me. I think I could learn more through out-of-school experiences and self-educating than I do inside those damn ritzy corridors. I'm starting to believe I only attend classes to keep my mom from being mortified - heh, dropping out, mom! - and to see my friends / keep my promise to Mai. Grah. I have to write a paper before Saturday morning and email it to Masino, too. Lovely.

And then...there's BETAing a Harry Potter fanfiction, which is still sitting in my main hotmail account, actually sleeping, Freak Night, talking to Rena to see how her trip to Rhode Island is going, and considering a job by the end of April. I'm getting tired of bumming all my money off my parents - at least a hundred dollars a week!

Note to self: Fill. Out. College. Applications. Really. Soon. ALL OF THEM! O<

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