
Oct 04, 2008 09:08

Had a strange dream the other night. When it started out, I was at a ren faire. Then it started raining. Took shelter at the pub with my friends. I saw my mom seated at a table, talking with someone who makes me a bit uncomfortable/annoys me. I decided I was sick and tired of being at ren faires in the rain, so I decided to join a bike race instead. I got all set to go, and we as a group took off. It was a long race, over varied terrain. Not a road race. We got to this peninsula near the lake, and I realized I'd forgotten my backpack with all my gear in it. I look at a map to tell me where the race route was and try and call my dad at the same time to have him meet me somewhere with my stuff. There was a race leader. She was annoying and bitchy. Some of us decided to go our own way. We cross the base of the peninsula, and when we get to the other side, we somehow end up in a library. We dismount, carefully trying to navigate the bikes through the racks. When we get up to the circulation desk, there are a couple of police standing around for security. I finally manage to get through to my dad. We go out front so I can wait for him, and the dream ends.


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