Week 3

May 23, 2008 12:42

So I've been consistently working out for about three weeks now. I'm rather torn on my progress. Mostly this just comes from impatience. It looks like I'm on track to lose about a pound a week, which is a good, healthy amount to lose, and keep off. I'm still doing the couch to 5K program, and I'm on week 3 now. Still doing the bootcamp videos. I'm feeling much better about myself, and really striving to be more active, which is the most important thing, I think.

On the other hand... While on average I've been losing about a pound a week, the weight fluctuates quite a bit. One day I'll have lost a pound, the next I'll have gained it back. Or vice-versa. I understand that there are so many factors that contribute to weight, so it's not really discouraging, just slightly annoying. You want so much to see those numbers go down, especially after you've put in a hard workout!

I also sometimes feel like I'm not pushing myself as hard as I could. The bootcamp videos are tough, but there are some exercises where I know I could do more sets/reps or use a heavier weight. Don't have dumbbells heavier than 5 lbs currently though, and it's just easier to go through the video, rather than pausing it to do extra. Curse my slackerness - causing me to just do the minimums!

But still, must look on the bright side. This is the most active I've ever been since high school when I ran track and cross country. It might take all summer to get to my goal weight, but hey, summer is going to end eventually, no matter what. I can either be 135 lbs at the end of it, or still stuck at 155, and I choose to work towards my goal, slow and steady as it might be!

In the pursuit of activeness, my plans for the next few days, including the long weekend:
Friday-Riding lessons
Saturday-C25K: W3D3
Sunday: Kayaking
Monday: Hiking

We're also probably going to do a bunch of packing this weekend in anticipation of the move.


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