Mar 24, 2008 13:53
Time off from riding always causes me much pain. After two weeks off, then missing a week due to being in Colorado, I finally got back on a horse on Friday. I was glad to see I was on Rachel; I was tired and not really in the mood to deal with attitude. Unfortunately, after three weeks off, being put on a draft horse really really works the inner thigh muscles. I'm limping today. I've been limping all weekend.
The lesson itself was quite good. Mary rode Penny, in front of us. Cassie rode Freckles, bringing up the rear. Marty had us canter almost right away this time, instead of for just the last 15 minutes or so of the lesson. I rather enjoyed the change. Cantering comes so much easier now. Keeping the canter still presents some troubles though. I even got her to pick up the canter on one of the long sides! And at one point, we were actually *cantering*. Penny is a pony, and while she's quick, she really can't out-run a horse twice her height. So Rachel couldn't just all out gallop, and we actually had a nice canter for quite a few strides at once point!
Maybe I'll ride Rachel in the show this spring. We'll see.