More fanfic for my claim on Cylons:
Title: Something to Blame When You’re Not Sure Of Love
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (new)
Characters: Six with mention of Baltar
Prompt: Independence
Word Count: 110
Rating: G
Summary: You’d think Six would get sort of sick of being stuck with Baltar. The Cylons sort of chose him.
Author's Notes: It’s more of a poem than fanfic. But the rules for fanfic100 say that counts... I thought it might be fun to do a poem. :)
Stand alone
Stand together
Fall alone and fall together
They’re the choices she guesses she has.
Maybe a greater thing will happen to her
Maybe there’s more than him and his too-tight pants and insanity
But maybe she’s more nothing than being.
Is there a choice that way?
Part of a whole, she guessed her purpose was him
But she’s not so sure anymore
Something to blame, and something to do
Embrace her metal insides even though they’re organic and crimson
If she exists in the whole first place
She’s found a guiding light
She’s not going to do this anymore
It’s better off she’ll shine out on her own.