Jun 05, 2006 16:29
so i went to arts camp and missed a whole week of school and came back and forgot i had friends here and forgot i had school work to do. And i forgot about how much i love A clockwork Orange, so i am watching it right now. Cause my computer is broken upstairs so ihave to use my sister's lap top and i can watch movies on tv and type on my stupid ass live journal. I don't know if this cut worked cause i'm stupid at computers.
Welly well well well..
I wish it was socially acceptable for me to speak using nadsat. I just wish it. If i could say "viddy" instead of watch or Pretty POlly instead of money and NOT have the world think i was a crazy mentally unstable hooligan, things would be grand!
SO pretty much i took this course on meditation during the week. and had fun times in my subconcious. It turns out i am a little bit more fucked up then i thought. who knew?
If you'd like me to elaborate on this, you'll just have to ask me in person, cause i don't particularly feel like sharing.... well i do but it's hardto explain and i'm so god damn lazy, just SOOOOOOO lazy.
Is it bad that i think MAlcolm McDowell is cute.... hes playing a sociopathic rapist and i think he's cute. god i am so weird.
i know it's not really possible that i could, im just saying thats effing terrible... like hell on earth. OH MY GOD so terrifying.
I'm going to go watch the movie, cause i'm tired of typing things that don't matter.
I'm in a terrible mood. ready to keel over and kick my own face, god i wish i was that midget who can kick it's own forehead. that makes me laugh. A LOT.
AHAHAH i' m laughing just thinking about it.
<3 much love. missed you all dearly.....
check out new picture. how cute?
ahahha ok.i have to go and photocopy a notebook.