here in this diary i write you visons of my summer.

Aug 28, 2003 18:26

today consisted of laughing histaricly, and being sleepy for the majority of the day. for some reason our school was freezing today. i knew i should've brought a sweatshirt.. but my bag was already over flowing already with books and papers and its only the 2nd week of school.i must say school/classes didnt turn out as bad as i expected / thought it would.. i'm really happy with my classes as they got changed. i'm in chrystie, jake, ian, breyn, and katies 3D art class.. and then my math class consists of amy, heather, tim and joan and jessica. so now i'm back to my old self. cheerleading i think is getting better by the day. i mean besides the obvious things i think we are all going to have a really fun season. and my wonderful cousin anemarie did a fabulous job on my journal might i add. thank you live journal princess. :) your the best. so yeah now i'm sitting around at my house listening to the cd that chrystie made me and drinking a soda. oh yes. might i mention that i am getting my metal appliances off my teeth in 1 month yes 1 month!! tim got his off yesterday and he looks very cute and his smile is as pretty as ever :) i'm seeing kevin more and more each day.. which is a major highlight of my day! well yes i'm off to go eat something now i'm getting a little bit hungry even though i ate 12 oreos + a turkey samwich at lindsays says hold on and take this ride and set aside memories of all the times...
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