Another Vacation Week, Another Pimp Post - Part One

Aug 09, 2010 17:05

Community Reminders

Love The Van
Fact picking, checking and discussions for White Collar


PPTH_Support-The Unusual Suspects
Anything and everything about the minor characters on House MD

This week's drabble challenge: Lines In The Sand


Dr. Who

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen by topaz_eyes.
Jackson Lake/Tenth Doctor
Written for the Porn Battle, but actually a very sweet story with lots of character subtext.



Two wonderful real!Jack fics by shadowbyrd.

Never Made A Fool Of You
Jack/Toshiko, Jack/John
A great taste of the manipulative bastard.

And When I Am Buried...
Suzie/Master, hints of Jack/Suzie
AU Suzie's marrying Saxon - Jack's not happy

Justifications by drunken_hedghog
Yummy pegging fic for kink_bingo.
Jack/Gwen (references to Jack/Rhys)


House MD

Reborn by sunset_my_house
Six deliciously angsty House MD drabbles.


Slings & Arrows/Life On Mars crossover

An Entrance Somewhere Else by Petra

This is absolutely awesome mixing two great fandoms into one great story. Geoffrey finds himself in Manchester 1973, to help out our favorite coppers. Even if you only know one of the fandoms, this is still a fabulously well-written story.


More tomorrow.

torchwood fic, doctor who, house md, pimping, life on mars, slings and arrows, torchwood, real!jack

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