"A Few Kisses Ago" Tosh/Suzie drabble for TW100 PG13

Jul 01, 2010 14:38

Title: A Few Kisses Ago
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Tosh/Suzie
Rating: PG13
Notes: Written for tw100. Challenge 158-Fancy Words. Chosen word: Ubiquitous Unbeta-ed.
Summary: Tosh remembers.

Suzie may be gone, but Tosh still feels her everywhere.

When Owen says something typically obnoxious, she hears Suzie’s snorted laughter.

As Jack arrives back at the Hub from who knows where, having done who knows what, with who can possibly imagine, Tosh remembers Suzie’s smirks and raised eyebrows.

Down in the cells, she sees Suzie’s focused gaze during the hours she would spend studying their “guests” trying to glean any information that could help Torchwood save the human race.

Suzie haunts Tosh’s bedroom; talking to her, touching her.

Gwen Cooper will never replace Suzie.

At least not for Tosh.

toshiko sato, tw100, fanfic, drabble, femslash, suzie costello/toshiko sato, suzie costello, torchwood

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