MMOM Day 27-"Hold Me" Buffy drabble Buffy/Giles Rating-NC17

May 27, 2010 20:39

Title: Hold Me
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Rating: NC17
Notes: Icon Prompt from 51stcenturyfox. Takes place during Season 2-after "Innocence." Thanks to daasgrrl and strawberrytatoo for speedy beta service.
Summary: Buffy needs someone else to think of.

Also available at:

Hold me,tenderly enfold me )

mmom, nc17, mmom 2010, btvs, drabble

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Comments 13

51stcenturyfox May 28 2010, 12:52:24 UTC

Go for it, Buffy. You know he's smmmmmokin'!

... )


wiredblowfish May 28 2010, 17:13:58 UTC
What a gorgeous gif!


karaokegal May 28 2010, 18:16:41 UTC
Mrrrrrowwwww!!!! And thanks for the prompt.


Yay Happy!Buffy! witchway June 5 2010, 03:02:54 UTC
FIRST the icon, and that vid, are amazing.

SECOND: these thoughts are perfectly normal Buffy, you might act on them!



njzynj May 28 2010, 17:02:44 UTC
Works for me. I do him.


karaokegal May 28 2010, 18:18:13 UTC
I had a crush on Anthony Head going back to the coffee commercials. I ship him and pretty much everyone on the show. Thanks for reading and commenting. It's been a pretty slashy Merry Month, so I needed to get at least one more het story in there.


wiredblowfish May 28 2010, 17:13:27 UTC
Wow! Super hott!!! I love the Buffster's alone time:D


karaokegal May 28 2010, 18:18:42 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It's still a new fandom for me, so I'm glad this fic worked for you.


ebineez01 May 29 2010, 05:18:47 UTC
love to Giles. Early series he's very hot & then whenever he sings on the show *guh*
me thinks the Buffster's not the only one with Giles in mind lotsa the time - Willow(pre Tara) & Spike for sure ;D (and mebbe Angelus as well - specially when he has him tied up & is getting all torture-y)


karaokegal May 29 2010, 05:24:18 UTC
The torture scene was nothing but hotness. I've had a mega-crush on Anthony Head since the coffee commercial days...that voice.

Thanks for reading or commenting.


ebineez01 May 29 2010, 05:41:13 UTC
we never had that coffee commercial here, so the first time I knew who he was was as Giles. & then it's funny how things go full circle when I started getting into Jack/JB & I saw that Anthony Head & Alexis Denisoff were in Rope with JB HUH!


karaokegal May 29 2010, 16:17:36 UTC
The JB/Tony Head/Rope connection always amuses me.


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