MMOM Day 24-"Recriminations Fester" American Idol RPS drabble

May 24, 2010 21:57

Title: Recriminations Fester
Fandom: American Idol RPS
Pairing: Simon Cowell/Ryan Seacrest
Rating: PG
Worcount: 100
Notes: Icon Prompt from ignaz_wisdom. I tried Iggy, honest I did. No beta.

This is...the final seven days of MMOM )

mmom, rps, mmom 2010, rpf

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Comments 6

strawberrytatoo May 25 2010, 09:50:12 UTC
OMG, you wrote Rymon!! *dies*

As much as I hate AI now, I keep watching because of those two, they are just so ridiculously gay together it's amazing.

I really liked this, it fits nicely into canon, what with Simon leaving and all :(


karaokegal May 25 2010, 14:12:03 UTC
Thanks for reading. I know it's a fluff pairing for most people, but I figured it has to be sad that Simon is leaving and so it ended up being one of my angst-fics.


ignazwisdom May 26 2010, 04:17:46 UTC
YES! OMG! This is wonderful, and as much as it breaks my heart, I think this sort of angst is kind of necessary (and very, very appropriate, needless to say) right now. No matter what's actually going down (and leaving aside my total tinhattiness), it's obviously a really bittersweet occasion, especially for Ryan. I love this.


karaokegal May 26 2010, 04:19:57 UTC
WHEW!!! I know it's generally a fluff-pairing for you, so I felt bad about dragging my angst-bunny worldview into it, but that's honestly what I thought the feeling would have to be right now.

Thanks for the prompt. It's certainly not something I would have written on my own.


finitejester37 June 2 2010, 08:48:53 UTC
Omg yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I've been wanting angry Ryan more than anything else in the world for the longest time (whether about Simon leaving or something else altogether) but most fic is fluff fic and most of the stuff that isn't is sad and angsty as opposed to bitter and angry. This is exactly what I wanted! (Except I still want more *g*)

Poor Ryan.


karaokegal June 3 2010, 01:04:48 UTC
Thanks so much! This was one of my biggest challenges of the Month, since I'm not much of an Idol watcher. However, I can totally see them as an angst pairing, especially in the wake of Simon leaving.


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