My name is Karaokegal and I'm a LiveJournal addict...whose supply is being cut off.
So, I've pretty much determined that Websense is way ahead of any Proxy programs out there and has already blocked them. Currently, I have 60 minutes of Livejournal access per day, doled out in 10 minute increments. My current theory is that the block represents something being done by the Law Firm I'm staffed at, rather than the Travel Agency that I'm actually employed by. It doesn't make a substantive difference, but for some odd reason, it makes me a little less paranoid. I don't think it's my own bosses cracking down on my sloth, but rather the Law Firm cracking down on their own slackers and I'm getting caught in the cross-fire.
Assuming this situation continues, this means obviously less time to leisurely spend reading and responding to LJ posts during the day. I'll be able to skim through my filtered F-list quickly, read drabble-sized fics and respond to stuff that can be done quickly. Spending two hours meticulously going through Fandom Secrets and and reading the comment chains is right out.
Longer posts that require some thought and longer fics that I want to read and comment on, will need to be very quickly cut and pasted into word for printing and reading at a later date. So, bottom line, if you don't see a comment from me, it may just mean that time ran out on me, or I had to punt it till later.
Obviously they have every right to do this, and I suppose I should be grateful that at least for the time being I still have this limited access and that they haven't shut down some of my other major time-sucks, but I still feel aggrieved. Yes, I'm a flake. Yes, I'm abusing my internet privilege. Yeah, I've probably screwed up because my head was in LJ land, rather than in the moment and on the job. But you know what? I really need it. I hate my job with a vengeance. If I have to think about it too much, I'll go crazy. So in other words, I can't do my job without goofing off.
Somehow I don't think that's going to be a very compelling argument to getting my Websense profile changed.
Luckily, they don't seem to be onto Dreamwidth at all, so I can at least type out long diatribes like this and post them from Dreamwidth without using up my LJ time. I can read and reply to some of you on Dreamwidth, but that still feels like being outside the main party
I've looked into switching over to a smart-phone or Iphone or Blackberry kind of thing, something I've avoided until now. Not quite sure I'm willing to do it, or that it would solve the problem.