Jon Stewart doubles down on the awesomeness!

Apr 23, 2010 12:14

Last night the gospel group came back so Jon could tell Revolution Muslim, the group that threatened Trey Parker and Matt Stone over a South Park episode, exactly what he thought of them ( Read more... )

daily show, blog, politics, countdown, rachel maddow, journal, stephen colbert

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yasibaba April 23 2010, 19:59:07 UTC
You know, I heard about this, but I still can't believe it. I mean, I can, but I can't. I'm Muslim, and I watched the episode and I laughed at the whole thing. Nothing really struck me as, "Ohh.. Er, yeah, that's... touchy."

An angry letter is one thing, but a threat is an entirely different thing, especially after everything that has happened. They should know making threats is unacceptable, and is only going to make things worse for everyone.

People are so sensitive and are just LOOKING for an excuse to make threats and cause a ruckus. I normally don't go into this subject because people think I'm just trying to cover my ass. I'll be the first to admit that some of the shit my people do is just pure wtf-ery, but we can't ALL be bad.

South Park makes fun of everything. EVERYTHING. Nothing is sacred. People need to just relax and learn to laugh a little.

Onto the actual show: I love the Jon Stewart Show. The clip was just excellent, the teasing was spread equally, and he's right: look at all the other religions taking it without throwing a fit.


karaokegal April 23 2010, 20:01:47 UTC

Exactly, it's SOUTH PARK, for crying out loud. You should be offended if they don't make fun of you in some way.

The other day, chocolate_frapp was upset because they did a joke about the murder of John Lennon, and I my answer was the same, DUDE...It's South Park.

I think Jon did make it clear that it was this one fringe, extremist group and that he was not tarring all of Islam with this particular brush.


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