Back into the fray!

Feb 25, 2010 09:07

I think it's no secret how much I love Keith Olbermann. I especially love his Special Comments and his passionate intensity about the issues that matter to him.

However, I'm going to say that I think last night was too much:

WARNINGS: This may be extremely uncomfortable for anyone with medical squicks and possibly triggering for those who've been ( Read more... )

snow 2010, travel, countdown, keith olbermann, stephen fry

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Comments 14

babykid528 February 25 2010, 18:46:10 UTC
In case anyone would like to watch Stephen and Craig's chat, I put all the parts in order from youtube in this post:

Praying to the travel gods for you! <33


karaokegal February 25 2010, 18:50:53 UTC
I'll put the link in the body of my post! Thanks so much.


babykid528 February 25 2010, 18:54:02 UTC
Awesome! :-) You know how much I LOVE spreading the Craig love!! And that episode was particularly genius. <3


karaokegal February 25 2010, 18:58:48 UTC
It was Pure Love honestly. I think Craig and Stephen were a really good fit...almost a pairing in the making, especially since although they talked about Hugh, Stephen didn't seem inclined to go down his usual slashy road there...unless talking about Emma Thompson being smitten was really talking about himself.


photoash February 25 2010, 19:53:23 UTC
You know... the east coast is done with snow thanks >_< !

We have gotten snow here in central north carolina with significant accumulations twice so far -- that is INSANE it's been years since that's happened :(

I am pretending another storm isn't coming >_> *denial is bliss*


karaokegal February 26 2010, 20:39:06 UTC
I'd like to pretend that flights aren't being canceled left and right and that I don't have to deal with clients who are whining about their flights being canceled before it even happens.


gokuma February 25 2010, 22:08:16 UTC
I agree that Keith's Special Comment was a bit... too much this time. I didn't feel okay watching this, I think this Comment was too personal and that an anchor shouldn't put so many emotions into his or her remarks.

I love Keith and I know this whole health care debate is very important for him but I wish he'd rather comment the reality instead of just channeling the emotions and feelings. And I think that they're real, I don't think he faked anything, I just... prefer when he speaks on more general level and distance himself a little bit.

On the other hand, Rachel's comment about the debate was awesome.
And I really liked Anthony Weiner's remarks. He was great :D


karaokegal February 25 2010, 22:12:38 UTC
Exactly. It was quintessential TMI, simply because, much as I love Keith, I'm NOT a personal friend. I shouldn't know this. I think he could have communicated some of the emotions without the graphic details.


I'm going Rachel stalking tonight by dropping in at the gallery where her partner is having a show, which is (I assume) why Rachel was in SF last night.


chicating February 25 2010, 23:02:07 UTC
I thought it was touching...I do think his emotions got away from him, but that's bound to happen, with such a subject. But I've got Dad Issues that could choke a small animal, and, you know, men in my family don't share.
Although maybe it might have made a better piece of *commentary* if he'd written it as he felt it and then put aside for a while, of course with a different ending depending on how the debate turned out.
Anthony Weiner rocks, as always. My mother says he looks like he is thirsty all the time...she worries about him.


karaokegal February 26 2010, 20:38:05 UTC
The Weinerman is so freaking awesome. "Deal with it." GUH!!! He's like a West Wing character come to life.

I'm worried about Keith's dad. I didn't see Keith last night and the fact that they went with Hardball rather than Countdown makes me fear the worst.


Love him... chicating February 26 2010, 21:25:14 UTC
I think a lot of girls need some Weiner from time to time...maybe I should request a "Deal With It," icon from one of my icon loving friends

I know...poor Olbermanns.
I would be totally honored to fuck up my shoulder right now so I could{{{Keith}}}
Because, you know, I'm always sitting, and I've hugged six-footers before, and after? There's a twinge in my shoulder from reaching so that case, absolutely worth it. Of course, Keith is class, so he would probably bend down without making me feel like I'm in kindergarten...I had a dream where that happened, actually...I forget why, actually as it wasn't, like, one of the dream we had some kind of non-fangirl peon connection, but that felt very vivid and real. I know that he would be good about that in real life and not leave me talking up to his crotch all day.


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