I got a big big love for you-Pimp Post Time!

Feb 16, 2010 10:12


For my Keith Olbermann/Countdown obsessive pals, chicating has created a Countdown Drinking Game


Sherlock Holmes-Downeyverse

Five times Mary suspected Holmes and Watson were more than friends and one time she knew it to be so. By the one, the only, paperclipbitch.

I haven't been able to tackle her Holmes/Watson epic yet, but this is a tasty warm-up, incorporating both her distinctive style and ability to fold that style into any genre or fandom. Plus, as usual, taking a minor (at least in most watcher's minds) character and giving them more voice and depth than the source material did.

Dr. Who/Torchwood

Awesome Gwen/Jack fic, full of the things that make me happy, as well as the inherent sadness that Jack can never totally have what he really wants.

Empirical Investigations by my_young_friend a/k/a drunken_hedghog.
Absolutely brilliant series of vignettes that take place Pre-Season 1, using the Alien Sex Spray. Suzie PWNS EVERYBODY including Jack, who is veryvery much REAL!JACK here. (The guy who wants what he CAN'T have, not what's being thrown at him.)

Wartime Romance by lefaym
Jack/Nine/Rose (in various combinations.)
This stuff always gets to me because we KNOW this was the happiest time in Jack's life and the thing he'll always be looking back at no matter who he's with later. This fic captures both the sadness of Jack and the sweetness and especially the closeness he felt with the Doctor during that period. This is the Jack who can actually share part of his life, but chooses to leave Rose with some illusions about it as well.

Make All Things New by trobadora.
Ten/Jack, Eleven/Jack
I love this so much. Again a great capture of real!Jack as he relates to Ten and Eleven in the wake of CoE. Made very clear that the post-CoE pain is NOT about you-know-who and how very much Jack is/was/always will be about the Doctor.
Great sense of the change between the two Doctors and especially a sense of fun in Eleven that allows him to finally seek out and truly accept Jack and give him what they both want.
Great stuff.
Go. Read. Give Love.


House MD
In Over My Head (She's On Your
by leiascully
Hot House/Cuddy fic-House is in the nuthouse hallucinating. Written pre-Season 6 and all the better for it.

Star Trek-Reboot

Raveling by severinne.
Sizzling wank-fic featuring Bones and some deliciously filthy fantasies involving Pike and Kirk. Yum yum yum.


Consequences by babykid528
Adrian Pasdar/Milo Ventimiglia
My favorite kind of RPS/RPF fic, taking a known real-life event and wrapping it into the fic and of course THE SMUT!!! In this case, Adrian's DUI arrest. You thought Peter and Nathan were angsty? Check this out.

Five Times Scott Wanted to Kill Carole and One Time He (mostly) Forgave Her by hllangel
On the other side of the pond and the Angst/Fluff spectrum, we have John Barrowman and Scott Gill. John has a cold and he's being a pain in the ass, but Scott loves him anyway. So adorably fluffy, I couldn't stand it if it were ANY other pairing.

Robert Downey Jr/Jude Law
This is a snippet written to a prompt. Mostly a phone conversation between these two and some where in the middle of the angst/fluff spectrum. I'm hoping holmes221b will follow up with more, so if you like this bit, please give encouragement.

star trek, rps, doctor who, house md, countdown, pimping, torchwood, rpf

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