Where is the Owen/Gwen love?

Feb 02, 2010 14:16

There's a OTP meme going around my f-list. (I'll get there eventually.) Basically I've been asking each Memer about Owen Harper. While the other answers on the meme are different for different respondents, regarding OTP, Runner up, Crack OTP etc. There seems to be a universal lack of love for Owen/Gwen. Some people can't believe ANYONE likes them together.

This makes me sad

Obviously it's all YMMV and Live and Let Live and it's not even my OTP. And there IS jubilation that not a single person on my list has embraced the anti-ship. Good taste, people. :)

And honestly, it's not my main TW ship.

But seriously---nobody sees/loves/likes/ships THIS:

(Even better with international subtitles.)

image Click to view


owen harper, owen/gwen, fandom, torchwood, gwen cooper

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