"Relapse" Housefic Post ep for The Down Low 300 Words PG

Jan 13, 2010 10:26

Title: Relapse
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Wordcount: 300
Rating: PG
Notes/Warnings: Post-ep for The Down Low. Sixth season spoilers. Lots of angst. No Beta so feel free to advise typos etc.
Summary: Winning isn't enough.

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james wilson, housefic, house md, house/wilson, greg house, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 28

samstjames January 13 2010, 19:43:33 UTC
A fascinating take on things (and that although I haven't seen said episode and probably won't for... I dunno half a year, or whatever it takes 'till it's aired around here).


karaokegal January 13 2010, 21:00:31 UTC
This particular episode was extremely "Gay" in a meta way. You really have to see it to appreciate just how much the writers were apparently attempted to simultaneously validate and debunk the slashers at the same time.


photoash January 13 2010, 20:57:14 UTC
I <3 ur writing so much!

This was fantastic!! I love the dark take on things and hope you find inspiration to continue this!


karaokegal January 13 2010, 20:59:19 UTC
Well the title is sort of a double meaning as this is a relapse for me as well.

But all that fluff just didn't sit right with me, because I KNOW that House isn't just gonna be Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky about this.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


photoash January 13 2010, 21:04:58 UTC
I don't think House is ever going to be Mr. Happy-go-lucky unless he's pumped full of drugs until he's not even the same person...

And this is the kind of writing from you that I love to read :) you do the subtle angst so beautifully!!!


chocolate_frapp January 13 2010, 22:05:46 UTC


karaokegal January 13 2010, 22:23:57 UTC
You know how he is. :)


daasgrrl January 14 2010, 00:49:23 UTC
First, a big hee! to the Pippin, because I just came from replying to that comment *g*. Also, that's an extremely painful and twisted way of looking at Wilson's latest interest - but it works, and is actually a perfect explanation of the lack of follow-through on Wilson's part. You can tell it's all downhill from here. Nice, nice pick-up on the drinking, there, too.


karaokegal January 14 2010, 00:55:36 UTC
The drinking is really bugging me. Clean and sober means clean AND sober. IF House is drinking then technically, he has already slipped. I know the show will never acknowledge this and I'm not supposed to read it that way, but I know a few things about addiction and this is one of them.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I know I should just have left the fluff where it was, but I couldn't. I didn't feel RIGHT, and that last scene had enough dis-comfort for this to feel more plausible to me.


beta_goddess January 15 2010, 03:08:01 UTC
On the beta front, I think you mean "withOUT a peep from Wilson". But this story makes perfect sense with the episode, and I love the last few lines.


karaokegal January 17 2010, 04:38:04 UTC
Typo corrected. Thanks so much. I just HAD to get the K-gal spin on thise. Glad you liked.


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