Title: Reflections Fandom: A-Team (for fallen_arazil) Character: Face Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 200 Thanks to Beta Goddess Carol for the look-over. Summary: Face and his favorite lover.
It's going to be an interesting month, I can already tell! Are you going through the alphabet? (With the letter "H" recurring, I suspect?) If that's the case, I'll have to stick around to see what you do with "W"...
The plan is to go alphabetically so only one H. :) Yes, it will PROBABLY be that H. W....hmmmmmm, whatever could you mean? Maybe three of them? I'll put that on the list.
Ooooh! Yay for A-Team! And yeah, this made me giggle in a highly inappropriate fashion, because, well, Face jerkig off to his own reflection? I couldn't not giggle. Yay for mmom! ^_^
Yay You for the suggestion. Once you made the comment about him jerking off at least five times a day, my brain immediately went in this particular direction. MMOM IS LOVE!
mmom Merry Month of Masturbation. It's a comm devoted to posting a masturbation fic every day for month. People are writing brilliant and bizarre ficlets and stories in a stunning array of fandoms. Come on over and check it out.
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(But, smiling at himself in the mirror? a little bit creepy...)
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