Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddddd we're back.

Jan 04, 2010 09:21

There's going to be some major league Pimp Posts coming up, but I may hold off for another week just to give everybody time to get back to work and up to speed. No point doing the pimpage while people are working through something like 200 LJ posts.

Welcome to all my new friends who've come on board in the last few weeks or so.

Happy New Year to everybody who might be reading this, including my "fans."

My hair is bright red and temporarily straight, which means I saw Sebastian yesterday. He's doing better and sends his thanks to everyone who sent messages and good thoughts. He did my hair and we went out to brunch, but he felt too tired to actually come back to the city for karaoke.

The Mint was fairly quiet--I hung out with Jim (the bartender), Jim, Daddy Dave and this cool guy whose name my sievebrain refuses to retain. I sang It's My Life by Bon Jovi, Can't Get It Out of My Head by ELO and gave Trying To Get The Feeling Again another try.

Saturday I got the Goddess Nails done and made a trip to the gym, as well. New Years Day, I started with an 8 mile run/walk/crawl. I've signed up for the Kaiser 1/2 Marathon on Feb 7., nails, walking, Gene Hunt calender, Captain Jack happy-dancing, the possibility of a UK trip in the summer. Now if I can finish the NOVEL and House manages to be not shit for the rest of the year and we get that Torchwood S4 announcement plus Health Care Reform, I think we just might have...the perfect year.

exercise, new years eve, house md, torchwood, karaoke, journal

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