"Dogfight" H/W drabble Rated G 100 words

Apr 26, 2007 22:01

Title: Dogfight
Pairing: House/Wilson
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Missing scene from "House Training"
Warning: Spoilers
Thanks to Beta Goddess Carol for the look-over.

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housefic, house/wilson, drabble

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Fic: Dogfight secondsilk April 27 2007, 08:16:07 UTC
I think House really does keep score. He doesn't pay his side unless he's called on it, but he keeps score. Like with Crandall.

This made me go eee! again.


Re: Fic: Dogfight karaokegal April 27 2007, 16:21:07 UTC
That's a great observation. I swear to god I hadn't even been thinking of "Who's Your Daddy" when I wrote this, although I think it's the same line. Beta Goddesss had to push me for a better KEL and that's what I came up with. Thanks for the eeee! Great way to start a Friday.


Re: Fic: Dogfight secondsilk April 28 2007, 12:51:04 UTC

I don't think House with the dog will stop being amusing. And kind of sad(?).


Re: Fic: Dogfight karaokegal April 28 2007, 16:23:11 UTC
KEL-Killer Ending Line

Has it been spoiled that we're ever actually going to see House with the dog? Maybe we'll hear about it, but never see it. Did we even see Steve during Chase/Cam's House's house break in?


Re: Fic: Dogfight secondsilk April 29 2007, 04:38:51 UTC
I wouldn't really know about spoilers. But I don't see how it can be. I mean, it could be spoiled that we do get to see the dog, but I don't think the writers would rule it out categorically.

I can't remember if we saw Steve, or not. I honestly have no idea. I have a recollection of it, but it could be completely made up.


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