Holiday Drabble #2 "Double Play" House/Wilson/Cuddy (Wilson wank-fic) Rated-X

Dec 04, 2009 11:32

Still taking requests Here

Title: Double Play
Fandoms: House MD
Characters: Wilson/House/Cuddy (Wilson wank-fic)
Wordcount: 100
Rating: X
Notes: Requested by photoash one of my fellow angst bunnies.
No spoilers. No beta.

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lisa cuddy, james wilson, house md, greg house, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 12

samstjames December 4 2009, 20:30:21 UTC
Whoa, that was... intense. Amazing how you can put so much into so few words.


karaokegal December 5 2009, 03:23:52 UTC
Thanks sweetie! Drabbles are always a fun challenge. Plus I've written a lot of Wilson wank-fics so coming up with something new was tricky.


photoash December 4 2009, 20:33:22 UTC
I <3 U :D :D :D! Thank you!!! :D

It's so wrong :) but I can see it! Especially how Wilson waffles on being their cheerleader and jealous!


karaokegal December 5 2009, 03:24:33 UTC
It definitely makes sense, if you put the last few episodes together.


daasgrrl December 5 2009, 05:36:14 UTC
There really can be no more appropriate icon for such a fic. Not really into the Cuddy angle, but if it's working for Wilson, I won't fight it ;)


karaokegal December 5 2009, 05:41:31 UTC
I try to use it sparingly, but for this one there was no other choice.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


chocolate_frapp December 5 2009, 18:09:49 UTC
wowie zowie!


karaokegal December 5 2009, 18:15:38 UTC
It was a little tricky to come up with a fantasy I hadn't written for Wilson and something that could be construed as "forbidden.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


glindalupin December 7 2009, 13:35:06 UTC
Mmmmmmm. Naughty and delicious. This is wonderful!! I like the idea of Wilson wanking. Wanking!Wilson fics always make my day. Does that make me wrong?

I love the picture you paint here!

Oh, and sidenote, I was listening to Tik Tok by Ke$ha while reading, and your airhumping!Wilson icon was humping in time to the music. CRACKED me up. :D


karaokegal December 7 2009, 15:59:36 UTC
If you're a fan of wank-fic, you might want to check out the side-bar links to mmom fics. (Merry Month of Masturbation.) I've written House fics for each year, including several Wilson fics.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

That's hysterical about the Icon. I use that one sparingly because it's a bit disturbing, but I really felt it was appropriate for this one.


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