Title: Like A Hurricane
Author: Karaokegal
Genre: RPS
Pairing: HL/RSL (HL/SF discussed)
Rating: NC17-Here come da smut, here come da smut.
Disclaimer: Not plagiarism-no money. Not libel/slander-It didn't happen.
Warnings: Angst/Smut/More Angst
Summary: The hurricane has hit New Orleans. Meanwhile, back in Hollywood...
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Comments 54
Be back to comment when I do =D
That was oh so beautiful on so many levels. I love how you' incorporated such reality into the piece and portaying Hugh in a very realistic sense with Stephen and Jo and his guilt. Just beautiful. Like a piece of art =)
Like a piece of art? Wow!
Bobby turned around.
“How the long is the hurting like bloody hell going to last?”
“I’ll let you know when it stops.” he said softly and watched the door slam shut.
:hangs head:
So powerful and so real and I can't really say anymore cause my brain is like shot! Its been a long LJ day. However it is one of the best stories I have read in this fandom and I don't even like RPS!
I'd say more, but I'm due for a cold shower right about now.
Enjoy the shower. Then come out and read it all over again. (heheheh)
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