"Two Drink Minimum" House/Wilson/Amber Rated R Wordcount-300

Aug 05, 2009 20:07

Title: Two Drink Minimum
Fandom: House MD
Rating: R
Wordcount: 300
Notes: Written for photoash, who stumped me in the Stump The Writer meme and gave me the prompt: Wilson and Impotence - House/Wilson preferred. Takes place during Season 4, no spoilers for Season 5. Thanks to leiascully for hard-core beta services ( Read more... )

james wilson, housefic, house/wilson, greg house, drabble

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Comments 24

leiascully August 6 2009, 03:44:46 UTC
Excellent! I love the tension we get to see between House and Amber here.


karaokegal August 6 2009, 03:45:37 UTC
And thank you for reminding me that I flaked on a very important credit!


leiascully August 6 2009, 03:47:31 UTC
I wasn't terribly bothered. I do think the physicality you added makes the piece much stronger.


photoash August 6 2009, 04:01:35 UTC
Waaa that is so awesome :D i love the idea of this :D !! Thank you!!!!


karaokegal August 6 2009, 17:20:16 UTC
Thanks sweetie! When I saw the prompt, I thought of the information we got about Wilson's problem in No More Mr. Nice Guy.


topaz_eyes August 6 2009, 04:29:12 UTC
Hot. Hot. HOT.


karaokegal August 6 2009, 17:21:04 UTC
Thanks sweetie! Credit to leiascully for pushing me out of minimalism. (It used to be a 200 worder.)


samstjames August 6 2009, 06:28:13 UTC
Nice. I think coming from that promt, I'd never thought about this scenario.


karaokegal August 6 2009, 17:22:08 UTC
Glad you liked. Remember, the only time we heard about a Wilson having a problem was No More Mr. Nice Guy, where House deliberately got him drunk so he couldn't have sex with Amber. And I think Wilson is selfish enough to want both of them.


psychedk August 6 2009, 19:35:50 UTC
I'm quite a fan of H/W/A so yay! \o/ Well written! The descriptive style is really good and fits with the short length of this. Thanks for sharing!


karaokegal August 6 2009, 21:43:00 UTC
Thanks so much. I actually wrote it as a 200 worder and my beta said it needed more description so that's all down to her.


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