A weird day, but more or less a good one!

Jul 25, 2009 21:26

This post contains one dead animal, and possible spoilers regarding TW and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Read at your own risk.

We started the morning with CoE episode 4. The review is here. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS

Suffice to say it was a good start for me.

Then we watched the Tour De France stage. Awesome racing, and even though it looks like Lance will be on the podium in Paris, HE WON'T WIN!

LANCE ARMSTRONG WILL NOT WIN THE TOUR DE FRANCE! That's almost as good .... well you'll have to read the Torchwood review...HEED THE WARNINGS.

I also went out for bagels for hubby (since his partial is fixed), picked up laundry and took down cans and bottles for recycling.

After that things went downhill. You may remember about a month ago, Our finch started laying eggs.

Well she's still doing it. Another four showed up in her food dish. Hubby and I have been freaking out about this situation, mostly out of concern for her physical and mental well-being. So today we called the store where we got her. They said they had a male of the same species and hubby decided that if birdie feels the need to be a mother...let's go for it.

So we got in a cab and went to the pet store at 24th and Douglas and got a male shaft-tailed finch and a bunch of other stuff, like a nest, nesting material, cuttlefish bone and bird seed.
The male was carefully placed in a carrier box with holes which I held very carefully. We got a cab back home. Hubby and I set up all the new goodies in the cage and gently opened the box. We'd been told to watch out for signs of antagonism between the birds. Unfortunately there was no antagonism because the bird in the box was dead.

To be honest, I hadn't heard anything moving in the box, but I kind of figured it was just being quiet or shocked or something. I didn't do anything to the box. I was holding it carefully.

Hubby called the petstore back and we ended up getting into another cab all the way back to 24th and Douglas. He took the bird back and the lady sort of accused us of doing something that killed the bird and vice versa. They're going to have a vet do a necropsy and let us know the result to decide if they'll refund the money for the bird.

We were both pretty upset by that point. I waited in the cab because there was no way I could deal with going back in there, even though they have an absolutely gorgeous Bernese Mountain dog.

Then we had the cab take us down to Metreon so we could make the next showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. We both needed to relax and see something vaguely entertaining, although it wasn't exactly a toe tapper.

I was happy NOT to see the usual scenes of Harry being abused by the Dursley's and broken out to get back to hogwarts. I could have lived with a little less broody Draco and a lot less of the teenage puppy love stuff, but from what I was hearing in the theater it was going over well with its intended audience.

I just might have to dig up some Snape/Draco fic, because that shit was screaming ship to my pervy mind.

Was it just my imagination or did almost everything about Professor Slughorn scream "stereotypical old queen as pedo?" It seemed liked a case of very unfortunate implications.

And just because I'm a wench: Now that's what a moving death looks like. :)

We came home, I did dishes and made some chicken for dinner because we were starving. We watched Eureka and then girded our loins for CoE Day 5.

Rather than discuss that here, I just invite you all to look at my shiny new Icon, courtesy of
louiseroho and proceed to the next post.

P.S.-So I've still got a finch who insists on laying eggs and is alone, but at least she's got a nest and nesting material and healthier food.

hubby, movie review, lance armstrong, torchwood, journal, tour de france, harry potter

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