He's only got one piano. All the other stuff is replaceable - he's got several canes, we've seen him toss other things than the ball, and so on. But the piano is a huge deal for him; it's the one thing in his house that's not dusty. Also, when he plays, he looks like he's making love - nothing else exists for him at that moment.
Despite I adore Piano and its jealousy, I say Cane because like a good wife it is his support in every moment, and he uses to caress it always! Plus it could be a lovely toy sometimes! ^^
Comments 25
My logic is, House didn't choose the circumstances that brought about the use of the cane or the vicodin. But the piano? Music = love.
Anyway, I chose the piano because of the expression he gets when he plays it. It's a natural high.
He's only got one piano. All the other stuff is replaceable - he's got several canes, we've seen him toss other things than the ball, and so on. But the piano is a huge deal for him; it's the one thing in his house that's not dusty. Also, when he plays, he looks like he's making love - nothing else exists for him at that moment.
You caught me! I invented the whole filth concept and I'm proud of that! LOL Jokes apart, I LOOOVE your icon!!! *o*
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