"Bargain" House/Chase NC17 Wordcount-3231

Mar 12, 2007 15:51

No season three spoilers. UK SAFE!

Title: Bargain
Author: karaokegal
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Chase (and a hint of stealth H/W)
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 3231
Notes: Written as a birthday gift for k_haldane who requestd Chase and a male and not too much angst. I tried, really I did. This is pretty damn fluffy for me ( Read more... )

house/chase, housefic, nc17

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Comments 63

deelaundry March 13 2007, 00:29:43 UTC
I don't much like House/Chase, never read it, but this...

Phew. Hot. Totally hot with bonus character exploration. Mmm...


karaokegal March 13 2007, 01:17:35 UTC
Yay for HOT! And I did try to sneak some bits of character in there as well. Thanks for reading out of your OTP. (Something for everyone this week. Crack drabble coming tomorrow.)


deelaundry March 13 2007, 01:23:23 UTC
Forgot to mention I recc'ed this on TWoP!


karaokegal March 13 2007, 05:56:22 UTC
Squeeeeeee for TWoP reccing.


(The comment has been removed)

karaokegal March 13 2007, 01:15:53 UTC
I really like my drunk!House. He seemed to be having a really good time getting plastered in "Acceptance", although we've also seen him drinking and not looking so happy about it. Thanks for reading and commenting.


roga March 13 2007, 00:52:43 UTC
Echoing what deelaundry said. And this line?

He'd once seen an episode of Oz under the mistaken impression that it was a show about Australia.

Brilliant :-)


karaokegal March 13 2007, 01:14:26 UTC
Glad you liked the OZ line. Wasn't sure if that was gonna work or not. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


recrudescence March 13 2007, 00:53:02 UTC
Chase is such a tool, isn't he? And House as a happy drunk is strangely fitting, as is the outcome. Just...Wilson? *pets him*


karaokegal March 13 2007, 01:13:35 UTC
Chase can be a tool, but I'm not sure he was being one here. I just loved the idea of his expression while deal with horny drunk!House. But of course my truefaith OTP had to worm its way in there as well. Thanks for reading and commenting.


vanillafluffy March 13 2007, 00:57:14 UTC
Maybe House drunk was just like House sober with fewer inhibitions.
God help us all.

Not surprisingly, the made was unmade.
Um...? Bed?

"When House drinks, he gets very…affectionate.”
Hee hee.

I adore this! It was hot and yummy and the conclusion...don't suppose I/we could talk you into more or this?


karaokegal March 13 2007, 01:11:44 UTC
The bed has been returned to it's proper place. Thanks for the catch. And thanks for reading. I figure I'm posting something for everyone this week. I really like the idea of House as a happy, horny drunk. I'm not sure I have anything sequelicious to this up my sleeve, but nothing's impossible. Were you thinking more drunk!fic or the inevitable Wilson/Chase showdown?


vanillafluffy March 13 2007, 04:02:18 UTC
Hmm...why not a little of both? Wilson filling Chase in (ahem!) on how he found out about House's tipsy tendencies.


karaokegal March 13 2007, 05:55:20 UTC
So many bunnies. So little time. I'll keep it in my hutch for awhile and see what happens.


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