Weekend Update

Jun 14, 2009 23:21

STILL working on my darkish House!fic. It's going long, with an actual medical subplot as well. Haven't done one of those in ages. I'm hoping I'll have time to get it typed and off to beta before its "due" date.

Very late to the Porn Battle, but I did get my Jack/Martha fic posted, and even if it tanks, I think this one is awesome. Strangely enough, none of the fic comms seem to have tags for Jack/Martha. What's up with that?

We did Brunch on Saturday, which meant taking a cab to Imagiknit and Samovar and yes, I went all the way into the tank and had the Earl Grey.

We watched lots and lots and lots of NCIS, going through Season 2-Disks 3/4/5 and watching a bunch of Tivo'd eps from USA. I'm finding the dynamic less and less appealing. While I still see Gibbs/DiNozzo as Mac/Danny without the angst, I'm getting honestly revolted by Gibb's manipulation of his people and the way gives and withholds approval and affection. I think that's why I'm still kind of shipping Gibbs/Fornell. Fornell can call Gibbs a bastard to his face, which apparently none of the "kids" can.

I was un-friended by one reader (who was nice enough to PM me and advise me of the fact) and friended by two others this weekend and two others in the past week or so. (Welcome to all the new and new-ish denizens of the Chelsea Drugstore.)

Hubby is making progress and says hi to everybody, including the stalkers, but snorts loudly at the Glenn Beck comparison.

I commented on a fandom secret, which led to someone saying they hated me, but agreed with at least part of the point I was making. Both my comment and the reply have disappeared.

A few more nice reviews from the Pit and (just now) a nice Teaspoon review for Everlasting Love, which is pretty much my most controversial Torch-fic.

I didn't get out for a run and I STILL haven't watched the A2A Finale. Maybe tomorrow early AM.

Nice crowd today with some awesome singers. I got to hang out with Sebastian, Donatello, and Giovanni. (Giovanni is one of my Barrowman converts and I gave him all the dirt about Torchtanic.)
Songs: Jose Cuervo-Shelly West, Devil Woman-Cliff Richard, Heaven Knows-The Grass Roots.

Brought home Sushi and watched a bunch of M*A*S*H episodes. I'm really disliking the later episodes where Margaret had basically turned on Frank, but I'm not sure if I felt that way when I watched them at the time. I think the feeling back then was that Frank was an irredeemable character, but that Hot Lips could and should be, but now I feel that it's just over-kill for Frank to be scum and be alone in his scumminess. That's weird, I guess. I've just gotten really sensitive to one-note villainy.

ncis, karaoke, writing, hubby, fandom, journal, food, mash

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