"Mission Of Mercy" femslash drabble Cameron/Petra Gilmar 200 Words-Rated G

Feb 22, 2007 13:04

is back at femslash100!
I find it utterly addictive and great "jump start" for a slow muse day.

Title: Mission Of Mercy
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Cameron/Petra Gilmar (The awesome chick that House interviewed for Cam's position in "Kids")
Prompt: Substitute (for paperclipbitch)
Rating: G
Wordcount 200

And some H/W if you squint )

femslash, housefic, drabbletag

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Comments 13

petrichor_fizz February 22 2007, 22:03:03 UTC
Oh, that would be hot. That would be so hot.


karaokegal February 23 2007, 18:10:32 UTC
Definitely hot. I'll keep the bunny around for awhile and see if it goes anywhere.


topaz_eyes February 22 2007, 22:36:12 UTC
Oooh. There should be more Petra fic. I like this.


karaokegal February 23 2007, 18:09:00 UTC
Glad you liked. If I see another Petra prompt, I'll try and grab it.


snarkylightning February 23 2007, 01:20:18 UTC
I'm so excited someone wrote Cameron/Petra! And I'm impressed you did it in only 200 words! Aw, Wilson is cruel. But the Cameron/Petra end was adorable. ♥


karaokegal February 23 2007, 18:07:56 UTC
Thanks so much. Working with a character we saw so little was tricky, but fun. Glad you liked.


paperclipbitch February 23 2007, 12:41:50 UTC
*jumps on you*

This is lovely! And I love Wilson telling her to go. House is a jerk, but Jimmy's such a bastard!

Thank you!



karaokegal February 23 2007, 17:32:09 UTC
Jumping. Wow! :) I do love me some bastard!Wilson and this was a nice way to sneak him into the procedings. Glad you liked.


thinlysliced February 23 2007, 18:22:12 UTC
Bad Wilson ;-) This is great - would love to read more fic with Petra.


karaokegal February 26 2007, 00:36:08 UTC
Bad!Wilson is so good sometimes. There's been a lot of positive Petra response and it would be nice to give Cam some love without threatening anybody's OTP, so I'll keep the bunny around for awhile and see what happens.


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