"The Heartaches I Caused You" House/Wilson angst-smut Rating NC17 Wordcount-2000

Apr 14, 2009 14:25

Title: The Heartaches I Caused You
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Genre: Angst/Smut
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 2000
Notes: Written for hllangel's Amazon-inspired Porn Battle and because photoash thought that Simple Explanation deserved some guilt-ridden smut. No beta. Too much shpilkes ( Read more... )

james wilson, house md, house/wilson, greg house, fanfic, housefic, angst, nc17

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Comments 25

wiredblowfish April 14 2009, 22:07:37 UTC
This is the first House fanfic I have ever read. It was totally interesting. I love how the sex is imbued with all the elements of their fucked up relationship: verbal abuse, passivity, accusations, psychological suppositions, etc.

I found this really hot--and interesting!


karaokegal April 14 2009, 22:11:22 UTC
You've never read Housefic before? Really? I hope I haven't completely traumatized you. There is schmoopy, fluffy fic out there, but I don't see H/W as a fluff pairing AT ALL. I tend to write them super-duper angsty and ocasionally dark. This one was more PWP and less plot that I usually write, because it was for the porn battle.

I you're interested in more, you can check my tags and my Boxed Sets. (Points over at side-bar.)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it.


wiredblowfish April 14 2009, 22:57:06 UTC
I watch the show, so I can't see how anyone could write them schmoopy.

Love the dark,messed up, sexiness:)


karaokegal April 14 2009, 23:01:32 UTC


topaz_eyes April 14 2009, 22:27:06 UTC
Oh. OUCH. Guilt-sex is the best combination for these two, y/y?


karaokegal April 14 2009, 22:35:12 UTC
No argument from me. I'm glad you liked it. After I hit the post button and went to lunch I started to have logic/plausibility doubts from my inner-Beta voice.

I almost feel bad doing angst after such an nearly fluffy episode, but you know, it's still them and it's still me. I think this one does fit the through-a-glass-darkly mood of Simple Explanation.


daasgrrl April 15 2009, 04:02:52 UTC
Your House is one meeean son of a bitch, but how I loved Wilson's 'innocent' face and the smut and the way Wilson has fobbed him off since Amber (which also explains why things were 'back to normal' this week) and OMG YOU ACTUALLY MANAGED TO WORK IN MY KUTNER THEORY EVEN IF IT WAS ONLY A COINCIDENCE ♥

[I... still wouldn't say no to Wilson/Kutner, though, you know. Just on principle XD]


karaokegal April 15 2009, 04:11:37 UTC
Dude! I'm still percolating your House/Wilson's Brother fic. I think it was a coincidence although if you enumerated a similar theory I may have picked it up from you, because I do read almost all your posts. Were you going with a full-blown Wilson/Kutner or something like I've got here?

Glad you liked. I've had the bunny since last week, but the Porn Battle gave me the inspiration to run with it and do some full (ahem) blown smut, for H/W which I haven't done in a while.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


daasgrrl April 15 2009, 04:18:09 UTC
Well, I guess I am... a little greedy. But you like that ;)

You probably don't remember, but in my reaction post to Simple Explanation, I was chatting to you about how I got the weirdest feeling for a moment during the ep that Kutner had killed himself because he was gay and couldn't deal with it. Which is not actually what you've implied here at all (Wilson was never mentioned, for a start), but I love that it still kind of fits if you look at it in just the right way :)


karaokegal April 15 2009, 04:25:19 UTC
Greedy, greedy fans! But yes, the "Karaokegal can do anything" part of me is quite flattered by the implication that I could.

The line about Kutner kind of happened spontaneously while I was writing because the "usual suspects" for Wilson's guilt weren't giving me enough of a payoff, but it's certainly possible I internalized those comments and it came out in this way. In which case, thank you.


majiex April 15 2009, 06:41:22 UTC
Wow, I don't know what to say. This was utterly brilliant. I truly love these type of stories, the whole angst filled, smut and almost mind-fuck like situations.

I must add though; even if Wilson has gotten older, put on weight and developed bags under his eyes...he is still unbelievably sexy...too damn sexy. XD

I do hope to see more! ^_^


karaokegal April 15 2009, 16:56:49 UTC
Wilson is too sexy for his shirt for his own damn good and certainly for House's. That's a very yummy icon you've got there.

Glad you liked. I've written a LOT angsty/porny House/Wilson fic, so if you liked this, I'd recommend checking out the tags or the Boxed Sets.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


anonymous April 15 2009, 16:49:40 UTC
This was really really really good! First: HOTNESS! Then, the backstory rings so true. And finally, so much love for the numerous details you wove in.

My favourite line: "Whatever had made Wilson do this tonight, it wasn't the beginning of a down payment. Wilson still refused to believe he had that debt to pay."

I really love your prose. Might I friend you? :)


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