"The Devil Makes Three" Housefic Stacy/Wilson Wife #1 (with H/W overtones)

Feb 16, 2009 21:48

Title: The Devil Makes Three
Pairing: Stacy/Wilson Wife #1 (references to House/Stacy and implied House/Wilson)
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1680
Notes: Written from a suggestion from babykid528 in the Canon-Schmanon Meme. It was supposed to be a snippet and it grew a plot. Great blessings on beta_goddess and vanillafluffy for superlative, speedy beta ( Read more... )

stacy warner, james wilson, femslash, housefic, house md, house/wilson, fanfic

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Comments 6

babykid528 February 17 2009, 07:12:50 UTC
Yes! This was perfect!!

I'm so glad this pairing gave you something to take and run away with! I really like how you laid it all out. Isabel's quite the vixen, lol! And the tension at the end is so great! WHEE!! :-D Wonderful!


karaokegal February 17 2009, 17:17:03 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I had no idea the prompt was going to lead me there, but it was a good exercise in going from something completely improbably to something that ended up making perfect sense to me anyway.

Glad you liked the finished product.


pwcorgigirl February 17 2009, 15:52:18 UTC
Oh, wow! You took that throwaway line about the first wife's wooden leg and ran for a touchdown. Isabel is such a vivid character and it's rare to meet anyone who can go toe-to-toe to Stacy in manipulation with a clear purpose.


karaokegal February 17 2009, 15:56:52 UTC
(And you know how hard it is to run for a touch-down with a wooden leg.)


I honestly didn't intend for this to be more than a drabblish thing, but it just took off on its own. It all just seemed to wrap itself up in nice little ball of fore-shadowing, and I wanted to have a Wilson Wife who wasn't a Bonnie-like mouse or a Evil-Julie bitch, as well as setting the stage for H/W infarction stuff to come.

And I always love doing Stacy femslash.

Glad you liked and thanks so much for commenting.


vanillafluffy February 17 2009, 15:57:32 UTC
Oh, and while I was nit-picking about punctuation, did I happen to mention that I love this?


karaokegal February 17 2009, 17:18:32 UTC
Awwwwww. I'm glad you enjoyed it as a story as well as doing excellent nitpicking.

I swear, it was literally the last pairing from the meme and one I hardly expected to grow a plot.

Now let's see if anyone else likes it. :)


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