"Falling" Housefic Chase/Cameron Rating-PG Wordcount-120

Feb 10, 2009 22:03

Title: Falling
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Chase/Cameron
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 120
Notes: Written as a cheer-up fic for kimberweeme. Insta-betaed by hllangel who saved us all from a horrible first try.
Warning: FLUFF!!!

Summary: Chase learns to love the snow.

Chase could see snow falling past the window while he read emails from friends back home lamenting the heat.

“Let’s go outside,” said Cameron, pulling her coat on over a nightgown.

“It’s dark,” he protested, skipping the fact that she looked like a madwoman, an insanely sexy one.

“It’s fun!”

Fun was hard to come by, so why not risk the cold to take in the cascade of white as it blanketed the streets and cars around them?

Cameron reached out to pull him into a kiss, as though the whirlwind was blanking out the last doubts that had hung over the relationship,.

Chase looked up and spoke to the sky as it dropped flakes on his face.

“Thank you.”

housefic, house md, fluff, cameron, fanfic, robert chase

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